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传统的人员管理实践注重能力、激励和正确的人员配备水平。人员管理中的人力资源目标将集中在三个不同的方面(Hayes, 2014)。首先,将考虑生产力、质量意识、工作效率和离职方面的行为目标。其次,考虑生产目标,最终考虑利润的最终目标(Bovee & Thil, 2015)。然而,随着时间的推移,人员管理策略不仅需要关注工作质量、生产力和金钱方面的改进,还需要关注其他以人员为中心的元素。在工作场所完成的工作的价值只与工作场所的人力资源同等重要(Clegg et al., 2015)。

现代人事管理注重营造强有力、有效的工作氛围。满足员工的工作场所需求,解决阻碍员工工作动机的冲突和问题(Ma & Tsui, 2015)。发现并解决员工的人际及工作压力问题。工作场所不存在骚扰、歧视和偏见态度(Deutschman, 2005)。


除了建立有效的工作气氛外,在当代情况下的“人的管理”行动也旨在创造公平的工作场所倡议。有效征聘就是这种努力的一个例子(Garvin, 1993年)。公司管理和培训项目帮助新员工。存在改善现有员工状况的纠正措施。这些行动旨在增加员工的潜力和长期工作的未来。在工作场所鼓励个人才华(Alon et al., 2016)。当代人事管理的重要思想是,一个自我激励的个人将是一个强大的制度资产(Dickmann et al., 2016)。个人受到机会的鼓励,并有机会将自己的兴趣结合到组织的项目和工作中。这有助于个人制定职业规划,最大限度地利用工作场所提供给他们的学习机会。除了提高工作场所的生产力,这种形式的培训给个人留在公司的动机(Martin & Siebert, 2016)。

最后,在现代人事管理中,情感策略被赋予了重要的地位。在此之前,开发员工的情商并没有太大的意义,但是当代的策略认识到了激励员工全面成长的重要性(Child, 2015)。


Traditional people management practices focus is on competency, motivation and the correct manning levels. The Human Resources objectives in people management would be focused on three different aspects (Hayes, 2014). Firstly, the behavioural objectives in the form of productivity, quality consciousness, working efficiently and the quit aspects would be considered. Secondly, production objectives and finally the ultimate objective of profit would be considered (Bovee & Thil, 2015). However, with time, it becomes necessary for people management strategies to focus not just on work quality, productivity and monetary improvements, but on other people centric elements. The work done in the workplace comes to be valued only as much as the human resource in the workplace (Clegg et al., 2015).

Contemporary people management focuses on establishing strong and effective work climate. Workplace needs of employees are met and the conflicts and issues that hinder their workplace motivations are addressed (Ma & Tsui, 2015). Both interpersonal and work related stress problems of the employees are identified and addressed. Harassment, discrimination and prejudicial attitudes are not entertained in the workplace (Deutschman, 2005).


In addition to establishing an effective work climate, the people-management-drive in contemporary situations also aims at creating fair workplace initiatives. Efficient recruitment is an example of this drive (Garvin, 1993). Corporate management and training programs help new recruits. Corrective action exists for improving the situation of existing employees. These actions are aimed at adding to employee potential and long term work future. Individual talent is encouraged in the workplace (Alon et al., 2016). Contemporary people management lays significance on the idea that an individual who is self-motivated would be a strong institutional asset (Dickmann et al., 2016). The individual is encouraged with opportunities and is given the chance to combine their self-interests into projects and works in the organization. This helps the individual develop their career plan and make maximum use of the learning opportunities that are given to them in the workplace. In addition to improving workplace productivity, this form of training gives the individual the incentive to stay with the company (Martin & Siebert, 2016).

Finally, in contemporary people management, emotional strategies are given much importance. Developing the emotional quotient of the person is not given much significance earlier, but contemporary strategies recognize the importance of motivating employees to grow holistically (Child, 2015).

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