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本文主要內容是法國銀行欺詐事件分析,2008年,臭名昭著的法國銀行欺詐事件不僅造成了財產損失,還損害了銀行的聲譽(Nicola, 2006)。 2012年,摩根大通遭受20億美元的投資,導緻美國銀行業的風險管理能力受到質疑(Dan, 2012)。通過對這些重大事件的深刻反思,各銀行機構逐漸達成共識,在金融全球化和自由化的趨勢下,舊有的風險管理機制越來越不適合現代金融體系(Joanna, 2012)。本篇幫寫論文文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In 2008, the infamous French bank fraud incidents caused not only property losses but also damages to the bank’s reputation (Nicola, 2006). In 2012, JP Morgan suffered investment of $2 billion leading to the questioning in risk management capability of U.S. banking industry(Dan, 2012).Through deep reflection on these major incidents, all banking institutions gradually reached consensus that under the trend of financial globalization and liberalization, the old risk management mechanism has become increasingly unsuited the modern financial system(Joanna, 2012).
The root causes of the incidents primarily came from the lack of compliance risk management system and internal control magnitude (Joanna, 2012). To cultivate and establish a comprehensive, transparent and efficient compliance risk management system, most financial institutions in urgent needs of developing its own research arms, a risk management system for the purpose of catching the train of financial innovation and future development needs (Joanna, 2012).
Due to the complexity of modern financial transactions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for external regulators to monitor CRM execution of individual banks (Juan, 2016). Furthermore, external regulation authorities shall not substitute the internal CRM function (Juan, 2016). Asound and efficient internal control mechanism is the foundation of comprehensive CRM system. Thus, external compliance supervision will only be functional for banks with such mechanism (Basel Committee, 2005).
Based on the above understanding, in April 2005, the Basel Committee on banking supervision released “advanced file compliance and compliance department within the bank”(Basel Committee, 2005)according to previous experience of international banking. Moreover, one year later, Chinese bank regulation committee (CBRC) issued the “commercial bank compliance risk management guidelines”(China Banking Regulatory Commission , 2006), which declared the official inclusion of CRM in basic regulatory policy requirements. The guidelines require the commercial banks to fulfil particular risk management activities. Since then, CRM has become an inseparable part of the bank’s daily operation requirement.

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