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罗伯特•戈登爵士(Bob Menzies, 1894-1978)就是这样一位成功的领导人,他是澳大利亚在任时间最长的总理。1894年12月20日出生在维多利亚州杰帕里特的一个普通家庭,父母是凯特·桑普森(Kate Sampson)和詹姆斯·门兹(James Menzies),门兹在五个孩子中排行第四。从一名成功的律师到自由党卓有成效的领袖,孟席斯一路奋斗到澳大利亚总理的职位。1939年至1941年和1949年至1966年,他两次担任该职位,任期特别长,为18年零5个月(Henderson, 2008)。孟席斯之所以能登上成功的阶梯,最主要的因素是他的奉献精神、远见卓识和坚定的信念。这些品质帮助他在澳大利亚公民中传播力量和可靠性。他无与伦比的政治才能给他带来了权力,使他能够按照自己的属性、道德和信仰治理国家(MacCallum, 2014)。


The attributes which differentiate a successful leader from the masses are not present in every individual. In every walk of life, individuals with certain attributes arise to be the successful leaders. Whether in the world of politics or the aggressive business environments, leaders with certain positive attributes becomes role models for the generations to come. These attributes are not necessarily inherent in the successful leaders, as it is often said that great leaders are not born, but made. The role of various attributes, habits and behaviour are imperative in the overall success of the leaders. Successful leaders acquire constructive behaviours which over the long time unconsciously become attributes of their nature. Great communication skills, expertise in decision making, visionary and determinant are some of the basic attributes that make successful leaders (Rumsey, 2012).



One such successful leader is Sir Robert Gordon (Bob) Menzies (1894-1978), the longest-serving prime minister of Australia. Born on 20 December 1894 to an average family of Kate Sampson and James Menzies, a storekeeper at Jeparit, Victoria, Menzies was fourth of five children. From being the successful barrister to effective leader of the Liberal Party, Menzies worked his way up to the office of Australian Prime Minister. He served the position twice from 1939 to 1941 and from 1949 to 1966, an exceptionally long term of 18 years and five months (Henderson, 2008). The prime attributes which enabled Menzies to scale the heights of success ladder were his dedication, farsightedness and conviction. These qualities helped him to transmit strength and reliability among the citizens of Australia. His incomparable political-skills brought him power enabling him to govern the country in accordance with his attributes, morals and beliefs (MacCallum, 2014).

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