

英国论文代写 论文通

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全球化的到来以及科学技术的发展给商业世界带来了巨大的变化。一方面,这些为商业团体提供了巨大的优势;相反,随着市场竞争的加剧,它给商业社会带来了严重的威胁。全球化和技术进步为商业界提供了一些商业机会,因此一些新的企业家尝试新的商业风险。然而,为了在这个竞争激烈的市场中取得成功,企业主必须制定有效的策略,以帮助在这个竞争激烈的市场中维持下去(Berk和DeMarzo, 2017)。此外,在这个问题上,资源和财务起着至关重要的作用,企业所有者必须实施有效的资源战略,以便从市场上获得所需的竞争优势,从而使公司比竞争对手拥有额外的优势。在这种背景下,首先,必须认识到企业的关键资源,以及如何以划算的价格利用这些资源,这样新公司才能为潜在客户提供具有成本效益的价格,为公司提供可持续的竞争优势。但是,企业在为企业采购资源时,绝不能为了保持成本效益而牺牲质量,因为低质量的资源会导致低质量的最终产品。此外,这是不期望从一个新的公司,因为它可能落后于竞争对手的公司。除此之外,对于新业务,业主可以寻求资金,业主可以从不同的来源获得必要的资金。业主可以根据业主的要求和能力申请不同类型的银行贷款(Besley, 2016)。国有银行和私人银行有不同类型的业务贷款,根据业务的便利性,可以为业务提供贷款。从事化妆品及其相关业务需要巨额资金,业主可向银行申请该资金。该店还将为顾客提供新西兰保健产品。


确定所需的资源和财政,以便有适当形式的供资办法。因此,它可以分为两种类型的金融,即内部和外部的资金来源。企业内部的资金来源包括所有者权益、企业资产的出售、个人储蓄等,这对企业的成立非常有利。内部资金来源可以用于长期资产的融资,也可以用于组织的短期业务需求(Brealey, Allen and Myers, 2006)。金融的外部来源一般以银行贷款或社会透支的形式出现,而社会透支则是通过发行新股或债券来实现的。利用这一资金来源可以很容易地取得下列好处:-

所需资金的数量:如果这被证明是较少的,那么业务可以很容易地采取由内部资源组成的业务。因此,可以通过显示适当的特征来适当利用必要的资金,这些特征通过获得资源和资金的适当结构来增强业务(Brealey, Myers和Marcus, 2017)。

更大数量的基金:组织能够利用无限数量的资金如果业务融资和相关的操作可以很容易地描述内部基金的形式将永远的形式资金的限制。为消除这些限制而进行的建设必须以获得更多的资金为目的。因此,说明企业如何进行合适的资金来源,这很容易以企业的形式表现出来,也很容易指出各种需求的增强(Britton and Waterston, 2013)。



The advent of globalization, as well as the development of science and technologies, has brought dramatic changes in the business world. On the one hand, these provide tremendous advantages to the business communities; on the contrary, it causes severe threats to the business communities as it increases the competition in the market stringently. The globalization and technological advancement provide several business opportunities to the business communities, and thus several new entrepreneurs try a new business venture. However, in order to get success in this competitive market, the business owners have to develop effective strategies that help in sustaining in this competitive market (Berk and DeMarzo, 2017). Moreover, in this matter, the resourcing and finance play the vital role, and the business owner has to implement efficient resourcing strategies in order to attain the required competitive advantages from the market that provides the company an extra edge over its competitors. In this context, firstly, it is essential to recognize the key resource for the business and how to avail the resources in cost-effective price so that the new company can also offer its potential customers cost effective price that provides sustainable competitive advantages to the company. However, the business must not compromise with the quality at the time of purchasing the resources for the company in order to maintain cost effectiveness as the lower quality resources will result in low-quality end products. Furthermore, it is not expected from a new company as it may lag the company behind the competitors. Besides this, for the new business, the owner may seek finance, and the owner can avail requisite finance from different sources. The owner can apply for different types of bank loans as per the requirements and the capacity of the business owners (Besley, 2016). There are different types of nationalized and private banks offer different types of business loans, and as per the convenience of the business, the loan can be taken for the business. The undertaken business of cosmetics products and it require a huge amount of fund, and the owner can avail this fund from the bank. The shop will also provide NZ healthcare products to their customers.

Identification of the resources and finances needed for business

The identification of the resources and the finance needed depicted for the purpose of having the appropriate form of the funding options. Therefore, it can be categorized into the two types of finance which are the internal and the external sources of finance. The internal sources of finance consist of the owner’s equity, selling of the business assets, personal savings which is very much advantageous for the establishment of the business. The internal sources of finance can be used for the purpose of financing the long-term assets, and also these are used in the short term business requirements of the organization (Brealey, Allen and Myers, 2006). The external sources of the finance generally take the form of the loan from the banks or the society’s overdraft which is being used by showing the new shares or the debentures. The advantages that can be easily achieved by the usage of this source of finance indicate the following: –

The amount of the money required: If this is shown to be less, then the business could easily take the business that consists of the internal sources. Therefore, the requisite fund can be appropriately utilized by the help of showing the appropriate characteristics that enabled the enhancement of the business by gaining the appropriate structure for the resources and the funds (Brealey, Myers and Marcus, 2017).

A Larger amount of the funds: – The organization can be able to tap the limitless amount of the funds if the business is related to the financing and the operations can be easily depicted in the form of the internal funds that would always be in the form of the limitations of the funds available. The construction for the removal of the limitations must be made for the purpose of achieving the larger amount of funds. Therefore, the business is illustrated to conduct the appropriate sources of the finance which is easily indicated in the form of the business and also the enhancement of the various requirements can be easily indicated (Britton and Waterston, 2013).

How the quickly the requirement of the funds is indicated: – It shows the formation of the funds and the requirements that are essential for the purpose of structuring the needs of the people and also the business can be easily indicated in the form of lowering the funds.

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