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政府干预金融危机,因为它在一个丑陋的转变及其对美国经济的影响不断恶化。政府不得不决定是否给AIG救助资金为了拯救它从破产或拖欠付款。考虑到雷曼已经违约,其他金融机构也濒临破产,另一个违约可能减弱,会导致更多的破产。因此为了拯救经济从违约政府决定救助美国国际集团(AIG)。美国国际集团(AIG)被认为太大而不能倒闭。有巨大投资的投资者,机构投资者、对冲基金和养老基金。这些人投资或保险公司。许多货币市场基金也把他们的钱在美国国际集团(AIG)。如果AIG违约,所有的投资者,机构保险和货币市场可能会采取一个巨大的打击。货币市场也已经饱受压力可能是最影响。这可能导致巨大的经济危机对我们(Karnitschnig所罗门普列文& Hilsenrath所在,2008)。


Government had intervened in the financial crisis as it was taking an ugly turn and its effects on US economy were worsening. Government had to decide whether to give bailout money to AIG in order to save it from bankruptcy or let it default on its payments. Considering the fact that Lehman had already defaulted and other financial institutions were also on the verge of bankruptcy, another default could dampen the situation and can lead to more bankruptcies. Thus in order to save the economy from defaulting government decided to bailout AIG.AIG was considered as too big to fail. There was huge investment made by the investor, institutional investors, hedge funds and also the pension funds. These people had either invested or were insured by the firm. Many of the money market funds had also put in their money in AIG. If AIG had defaulted all the investors, institutions who were insured and the money markets could have taken a huge hit. Money market which was already reeling under the pressure could have been the most impacted. This could have led to huge economic crisis for US (Karnitschnig, Solomon, Pleven & Hilsenrath, 2008).

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