

英国论文代写 论文通

英国论文通 ASSIGNMENT PASS - 论文代写以独特的英国论文代写.英国essay代写和assignment代写专业服务理念,尝试创新的代写形式赢得了英国留学生的口碑.我们代写团队对于代写论文采取多样化的手段.做到了代写论文的原创性和对论文抄袭的杜绝.



确定的问题是人们的骄傲和外表行为如何因智能手机使用率过高和互联网而改变。智能手机和数字技术的使用正以不断上瘾的方式使用,并导致人们行为发生变化的情况(Global Christian Center,2016)。他们要么变得太孤立,要么变得过于臭名昭着,以至于他们不会处于现实世界中(Kryger,2017)。注意到的行为方面是人们如何张贴他们自己的图像,报价,信仰等等。虽然这本身并不是一件坏事,但人们努力保持这种自豪感和表现力使其成为一个问题。



The issue identified is how people’s behavior in terms of pride and appearances is changed because of excessive smartphone usages and the internet. Smartphones and digital technology usage are being used in a constant addictive manner and this leads to situations where the person’s behavior changes (Global Christian Center, 2016). They either become too isolated or become too notorious in ways that they would not be in the real world (Kryger, 2017). A behavioral aspect that is noted is how people like to post images of themselves, quotes, beliefs and more. While this is not a bad thing in itself, it is the pride and appearances that people strive to keep that makes it an issue.

Firstly, because people try to maintain their pride and appearances online (example on Facebook) they might live in a form of dispersed consciousness. A cohesive worldview might be possible when using the internet and connecting with people across the world, however, the cohesive worldview is not what people are living in. The actual world is much more different. Atomization of information from different parts of the world will not help one connect to their actual world. Where they are not able to connect to their world then spiritually is stunted. A form of dispersed consciousness is created where people might not be able to connect with spirituality at any ends. They would be more focused on who has it or why their beliefs on anything is stronger. This needs to maintain competitiveness and appearances. They finally lose their sense of godliness, their beliefs and more (Reinke, 2015).




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