essay 代寫:人力資源管理


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essay 代寫:人力資源管理

除此之外,在人力資源管理中,僱傭合同的合同類型有很大的差異,人力資源管理負責決定和管理不同的合同類型來提供員工的招聘。該行業需要大量的員工來按照組織的不同部門做不同類型的工作。因此,員工需要不同的技能,人力資源管理負責招聘具有所需技能集的員工(Armstrong, 2013)。酒店行業通常有來自不同國家的不同員工,因此需要簽證,爲員工安排簽證是人力資源管理的職責。這個行業是服務行業,熱情的員工更有用。因此,人力資源管理必須在組織內建立一個年輕的勞動力隊伍。除此之外,由於人力資源管理人員的多樣性,人力資源管理人員必須照顧到員工的文化需求,而語言障礙對於人力資源管理人員的多樣性是至關重要的。除此之外,對於新入行且沒有足夠經驗和技能的新手來說,他們需要學習和培訓來爲他們的特定工作做好準備。人力資源管理的職責是爲員工安排有效的培訓課程。

essay 代寫:人力資源管理

Apart from this, in HRM, there is a large variance in the contract types for the employment contract, and the HRM is responsible for deciding and managing the different contract types to provide the recruitment of the staffs. The industry requires scores of workforces to do different types of jobs as per the various section of the organization. Hence, the workforce needs diverse range of skills, and the HRM is responsible for recruiting staffs with required skill set (Armstrong, 2013). The hospitality industry normally has diverse workforces from different countries hence requires a visa, and it is the HRM responsibilities to arrange a visa for the employees. The industry is service industry where enthusiastic staffs are more useful. Hence, the HRM has to build a young workforce within the organization. Besides this, due to the diverse workforce, the HRM has to take care of cultural needs of the workers, as well as the language barrier is vital for the diverse workforces the HRM has to manage this. Besides this, for the fresher’s who are new to the industry and do not have adequate experience and skill require learning and training for becoming ready for their specific job. The responsibility of the HRM is to plan effective training sessions for the employees.

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