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本文提出了三个问题,包括玻璃天花板、性骚扰和性工作者。所有这些问题都在女权主义者和后女权主义者之间争论不休。女权主义者一直致力于确保性别平等,这来自于将平等的角色分配给两个性别群体,但另一方面,后女权主义需要第二波女权主义(Messner, 2012)。在后女权主义中,关注的焦点不是性别平等,而是争取妇女更多的权利,因为她们是落后的性别群体。这篇文章通过启发这两个女性群体之间关于所确定的问题的辩论来论证。


后女权主义者在第二次女权主义浪潮中卓有成效,这为后女权主义者在打破玻璃天花板方面提供了潜在的帮助,不仅在公司层面,而且在政治和其他领域都是如此。因此,打破玻璃天花板的机会出现在第三次浪潮中的女权主义者身上,因为许多女性在律师事务所、组织和政府机构中获得了更高的等级(Rowe-Finkbeiner, 2010)。这一观点表明,父权制和等级制度之间的联系已经被削弱了。因此,年轻女性现在有了创业平台的选择。从后女权主义的角度来看,女性的斗争已经变得个人化,其中以自我为中心被发现。


There are three issues identified in this essay inclusive of glass ceiling, sexual harassment and sex workers. All these issues have been debated between feminists and post feminists. Feminists have always focused on ensuring gender equality which comes from allocating equal roles to both gender groups, but on the other hand, post feminism entails second wave feminism (Messner, 2012). In post feminism, the focus is not on equality of gender rather it is on gaining an enhanced rights for women as they are gender groups left behind. This essay argues by enlightening the debate present between both these groups of femininity with regard to the issues identified.


The post-feminists have been effective in the second wave of feminism, this has provided with the potential to the post-feminists for assistance in breaking the glass ceiling not only in the corporate but also across the politics and other domains that are limited in terms of access to the women. Hence, the opportunity for breaking the glass ceiling is present with the feminists of the third wave as many women have obtained higher hierarchy levels across the law firms, organizations and governmental bodies (Rowe-Finkbeiner, 2010). This view implies that the association among the patriarchy and hierarchy have been weakened as compared with the earlier situations. Therefore, the young women now have options of platform to initiate their careers. It is suggested that the struggle of women from the post-feminism point of view have become personalized wherein the centered self is discovered.

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