

英国论文代写 论文通

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英国退出欧盟的后果是巨大的,因为它完全破坏了与其他欧盟成员国的关系。此外,自由贸易的概念受到了影响,移民甚至变得更加困难。它动摇了英国的经济地位,因为移民不再受到鼓励,也不允许他们自由流动。虽然伦敦和大伦敦地区的大多数人投票支持英国加入欧盟,但他们也因为首相的这一决定而感到自己处于危险之中(Hobolt, 2016)。它不仅影响了贸易关系,也使依赖政府实现经济增长的人们失去了机会。





第一批受影响的人是学生。所有那些提出移民到英国深造的学生将不会获得全部的研究经费。预计拨款将减少,英国与其他机构的合作关系也有可能在一段时间内恶化(Cressey, 2016)。因此,对于那些仅仅为了研究目的而移民到这个地方的人来说,这是毫无用处的。

第二种人是投资者,他们愿意投资于新的酒店开发项目,甚至是现有建筑的翻新。投资者可能会决定停止他们的提议,因为欧盟和英国之间的关系已经破裂,它可能不再吸引英国以外的人。外国投资的恶化将直接影响英国在全球金融领域的GDP和增长前景(Fountain, 2016)。

第三类人是目前酒店业的业主群体。由于英国退出欧盟,有可能出现许多无薪假期,且低于这些英国公民最终预订量的平均水平。英国人出国旅游的减少将明显减少英国的经济繁荣,并将把游客转移到其他国家(Fountain, 2016)。这可能会导致该国的地位从发达国家过渡到发展中国家。预计经济危机将在更大程度上冲击这个国家。



The consequences of this withdrawal by UK are enormous because it totally ruined the relationship with other EU members. Further, the free trading concept was affected and it became even difficult for the immigration to happen. It shook the economical position of UK because immigrants were no more encouraged and there was no freedom of movement allowed to them. While majority of people in London and Greater London voted for UK to be associated with EU, they also felt themselves at stake because of this decision by Prime Minister (Hobolt, 2016). It has not only affected the trade relations but also closed the opportunities of people who depended on the government for their financial growth.

This issue cannot be treated as a sudden one as the Prime Minister was already in the plan to quit UK from EU. However, the scope of this decision has created an impact on almost all the fields. It raised a question on further survival of people and the governmental support to the same.

Implications for global tourism businesses

As already mentioned, Brexit has affected the tourism industry to a greater extent. Several trade restrictions were imposed and people were not encouraged to immigrate for a period of time.


The first group of people who were affected is students. All those students who have proposed to migrate to UK for their higher studies will now not be awarded the complete research funding. The grants are expected to diminish and there is a likelihood that the partnership with other institutions by UK will also deteriorate over a period of time (Cressey, 2016). Hence, it becomes of no use for those who have proposed to migrate to this place just for the purpose of research.

The second group of people is the investor who would like to invest on new hotel developments or even renovation of the existing buildings. The investors would probably decide to halt their proposal as the relationship between EU and UK is broken and it might not anymore be an attraction for people outside UK. This deterioration of foreign investments will have direct impacts on GDP and growth prospects of UK in the global financial sector (Fountain, 2016).

The third group of people is the current group of owners in hospitality sector. Due to the exit of UK from EU, there is a possibility for many unpaid holidays and below the average volumes of final bookings from these UK citizens. The reduction of UK trips by people outside the country will clearly reduce the economic prosperity and would divert the visitors to other countries (Fountain, 2016). This will probably cause a transition of the country’s status from developed to developing. The economic crisis is expected to hit the country to a greater extent.

The final group of people is those who are interested towards inbound tourism. UK is known to have holidays for couple of months together (Peers, 2016). In such a case, it is clear that it will impact those inbound tourists with empty destinations, poor maintenance of hotels and lack of sightseeing locations. This will reduce the population of UK and will motivate them to choose other countries for survival.

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