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斯图亚特·霍尔(1997)认为,变革的文化是可以帮助我们理解基于种族的殖民时期的创伤。文化源于集体认同,然而有元素的差异使我们陷入我们现在,即使我们开始类似的东西。霍尔认为,一个经历,一个身份再也不能代表没有承认可能有差异和转换(大厅,1997)。他不否认文化植根于历史;他只承认它作为固定的问题。例如认为种族建立模型对理解文化和身份是使非裔美国人能够理解他们在美国的经历。他们从non-Afrocentric非洲中心主义的身份,然后转化为多元文化身份(查韦斯& DeBrito,1999)。斯图亚特·霍尔的文化变革观点这里适用个人首先知道自己种族或文化,然后变得越来越意识到,当他开始接受文化,最后他变得更多元文化理解生活在他周围的人。这里给出种族身份是一个进步,正如文化认同(查韦斯& DeBrito,1999)。种族是嵌入在文化和种族身份的帧。


Stuart Hall (1997) argues that the transformative view of culture is what can help us understand the race based traumas from the colonial times. Culture stems from collective identity, however there are elements of differences which have made us into what we are now, even if we started with something similar. Hall argues that one experience and one identity can no longer be represented without acknowledging that there could be differences and transformations (Hall, 1997). He does not deny that culture is rooted in history; he only questions acknowledging it as fixed. As an example considers that race based models towards understanding culture and identity were developed for so as to enable African Americans to understand their experience in the United States. They moved from a non-Afrocentric to an Afrocentric identity and then transformed into a multicultural identity (Chavez & DeBrito, 1999). Stuart Hall’s transformative view of culture is applicable here as the individual is first unaware of race or his own culture and then becomes more aware of it, as he starts embracing his culture, finally he becomes more multicultural understanding the people that live around him. Here racial identity is given to be a progressive just as cultural identity (Chavez & DeBrito, 1999). Race is embedded in frames of cultural and ethnic identity.

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