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在风险管理者的职位上,控制等级对控制风险很有用。风险管理人员有责任遏制危险行为以避免发生特定风险。关于手头的案例,风险管理人员反馈说,由于化学品造成的事故未报告,因此有很多情况。因此,首先,他职权范围内的风险管理者可以拒绝在酒店内部存在可能对员工有害的化学品(Chung&Yoon,2013)。由于事故未得到适当报告,因此没有安全保证,组成或供应商的记录。因此,理想的解决方案是停止使用。关于电梯服务的危害,这可以通过定期维护,检查和后方来解决。由于火灾是一种未知的危害,因此不可能将其遏制住,因此它不能被消除。但是,酒店有可能为消防设备准备好消防设备,并在其他需要的设施中准备好水流(Wong, 2012)。由于酒店的地理位置,发生的袭击事件无法消除,因此不雇用基于性别的员工会感到很可笑。因此,女性员工的安全需要得到有效解决。


In the position of a risk manager, hierarchy of control is useful in controlling risks. It is the onus of the risk manager to contain hazardous behaviour for avoiding specific risks. In reference to the case on hand, the risk manager has feedback that there are a lot of instances when accidents due to chemicals are not reported. Thus firstly, the risk manager in his authority can refuse the presence of such chemicals within the hotel premise that may be injurious for the employees (Chung & Yoon, 2013). Since the accidents are not duly reported, there are no records of security assurance, composition or supplier of the same. Thus, the ideal solution would be to stop their use. In regard to the hazard pertaining to broken down lift service, this can be addressed with regular maintenance, inspection and rear. Since fire is an unknown hazard, it is not possible to contain it, so it cannot be eliminated.However, it is possible for the hotel to be prepared for it with fire – fighting equipment and ready water flow among other needed amenities (Wong, 2012). Due to the location of the hotel, the occurrence of assault cannot be eliminated and it would be rather ludicrous to not hire employees based on their gender. Hence, the safety of female employees needs to be addressed efficiently.

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