

英国论文代写 论文通

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基于上述因素,可以认为富士通的企业社会责任计划仅具备以下几个方面的条件。该公司的CS r主动性主要集中在信息和通信技术的实施上,即这些举措在很大程度上与公司的业务有关。因此,该公司对公司的贡献是非常好的,可以直接与公司及其愿景(Allen,2011)联系在一起。为了达到预期的目标,协会与代表或为社会的更大部分提供服务的组织一直在那里。然而,重要的是要注意,尽管公司的重点是在正确的方向上,但这些倡议并没有满足上述标准。这就是说,这些都是为了从竞争对手中脱颖而出或提高效率而需要的主动行动。这些努力必须是为了维持业务,因此公司可能无法从竞争对手那里脱颖而出。由于该公司与全球各地的许多倡议联系在一起,在一个地区集中的努力可能会消失,这可能会使整个工作毫无用处。


Based on the above factors it can be said that the CSR initiatives of Fujitsu qualify only a few of these aspects. The CS Rinitiatives of the company focussed largely on ICT implementation i.e. the initiatives were largely associated with the business of the company. Thus it is very good initiative by the company as the contribution has been there which can be associated directly with the company and its vision (Allen, 2011). In order to achieve the intended targets, association has been there with the organizations that represent or provide services to larger section of the society. However it is important to note that although the focus of the company is in the right direction, the initiatives does not fulfil the above criteria. This is to say that these are such initiatives which are either required in order to stand out from the competitors or to improve the efficiency. These efforts have to be made in order to sustain in the business and thus the company may not be able to stand out from their competitors. Since the company is associated with a lot of initiatives across the globe the concentrated effort in one region may be missing which may render the complete effort useless.

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