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本篇文章主要講雇主與僱員之間的關係,僅為員工所做的工作支付工資,在員工和雇主之間創造了一種財務關係。因此,提供激勵可以導致員工和雇主之間的心理和積極關係的發展(Maroudas, Kyriakidou, & Vacharis, 2008)。更具挑戰性和競爭性的環境提高了解決問題和工作動機的水平。有積極性的員工會給企業帶來更多的好處。提高工作條件和晉昇機會也能提高個人對行動負責的能力,增加他們對行動的控制和作出決定的能力。本篇論文代寫行情文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Paying the employees for only the work they have one creates a financial relationship among the employees and employers. Therefore, providing incentives can lead to development of psychological and positive relationship among employees and employers (Maroudas, Kyriakidou, & Vacharis, 2008). The more challenging and competitive situations increase the level of problem solving and motivation towards work. The motivated employees bring more benefits to business. Increasing the level of working conditions and chances of promotions also increases the person’s ability for taking the accountability of actions, increasing their control over actions and ability to make decisions.
The most common way of providing incentive is through indirect compensation for extra working hours, health insurance, job security and quality working conditions. In such environment, employees have the satisfaction of receiving more benefits and provide their best services to the company. The type of incentives and rewards can be given on various levels. These could on individual level, team level or organizational performance level. Many psychological studies have derived the theories that help in improving motivation in employees, which in turn comes up as benefit for the shareholders. The relationship among the employers and employees, supervision, salary, perks and working conditions significantly impacts the attitude and psychology of the employees.
The task performance of the employees can be improved through financial incentives and added benefits. The monetary incentives are found to the most significant motivational factor that improves performance from moderate to high level. The most important asset for the companies is the people (Silva, 2007). When people or the employees are happy and satisfied with working conditions, they feel motivated to bring more benefit to business (Yeow & Goomas, 2014). Shareholders will receive better financial outcomes. Motivation enhances the productivity, morale and employee turnover. Increasing the productivity of the business is the main aim of the shareholders and employers. The productivity can be significantly increased with motivated and happy employees.
The performance of the employees is judged through their alertness, problem solving skills, and attitude. The main role is of the mangers and team leaders that how they manage their teams and help them to carry out the duties effectively. Incentives help employees to deliver quality services and to have job security. The long working hours and different shift timing, de-motivate the employees in such conditions incentives can encourage positive attitude in employees.

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