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大规模太阳能实施的建筑和公用事业成本已经下降。 NREL提供的美国太阳能光伏系统信息显示,截至2016年,基础设施实施成本下降(Downey,2016)。平均建设成本从每瓦1.42美元左右的直流电容量或更多的位置下降。这意味着更多的基础设施规划可以以较低的成本完成(Pandey et al。,2012; Bazen and Brown,2009)。使用太阳能农场的住宅,商业和公用事业规模项目的建设成本可以得到极大的改善。其次,太阳能电池板成本也下降了。据观察,太阳能电池板成本从2009年的每瓦2.50美元左右下降到65美分(Downey,2016)。在意大利货币欧元方面,这意味着价格已经从2.08欧元降至0.54美分(截至美元兑欧元汇率)。这种下降归因于在用于将直流电力转换成交流电的逆变器中进行的创新。预计在劳动力方面有更好的节省,因为有更多有经验的人员开发,采购和设计这些太阳能农场的建设(Pimentel和Patzek,2008)。此外,工厂成本下降,主要成本仅与结构和电力基础设施和维护有关。目前有可能实现更好的规模经济,据报道,这可能导致约100兆瓦的太阳能电站建设比建设5兆瓦农场所需的成本低22%左右。


Building and utility costs for large scale solar implementations have gone down. Information from NREL the US solar photovoltaic system shows that as of 2016, the infrastructural implementation costs have gone down (Downey, 2016). Average cost of construction has gone down from anywhere around $1.42 per watt of direct-current capacity or more. This means that more infrastructural planning could be done at a lesser cost (Pandey et al., 2012; Bazen and Brown, 2009). Construction costs for residential, commercial and utility scale projects using solar farms can be improved immensely. Secondly, solar panel costs have gone down, too. It is observed that solar panel costs have gone down from anywhere around 2.50$ per watt in 2009 to 65 cents (Downey, 2016). In Italian currency, the Euro, this would mean a price reduction has been achieved from around 2.08 Euros to 0.54 cents (as of current exchange rates between USD and Euro). The reduction is attributed to the innovations that have been made in inverters that are used to convert direct current power produced into alternating current. Better savings are projected in terms of labour as there are much more experienced people for developing, procuring and engineering the construction of these solar farms (Pimentel and Patzek, 2008). Moreover, plant costs have gone down and there are largely costs associated only with structural and electrical infrastructure and maintenance. Better economies of scale are possible in current times and reports suggest this could lead to around 22 per cent lesser in construction of an approximate 100-megawatt solar farm than what it used to cost to build something of a 5-megawatt farm.

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