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傳統上有一種假設,認爲大會工作人員的學習能力在較長時期內沒有影響到工作內容(Baumol 2002)。作爲一個對比的觀點,這已經被確定爲與整體學習和加法學習相關的原則。基於此,我們可以提出這樣一個論點:如果工作的整個活動都被認爲是有意義的,那麼學習的能力就會顯著提高。在烏德維拉舉辦的一個培訓講習班幫助在1986年開始了業務活動,獨特地提出了平行生產和全面學習技術的理論原則。學習能力也與這類生產材料的供應問題有關。這些原則對沃爾沃Uddevalla工廠的工藝設計產生了重大影響,在一定程度上影響了整體質量和性能(Abrahamson 2000)。


全面質量管理作爲一種管理哲學,不是僅僅以一種不同的概念來看待質量,而是處理有關質量參與生產過程的概念。在Uddevalla,在這方面,強調了與持續改進、員工參與和顧客滿意有關的質量原則(Hannah 1994)。還涉及服務和產品設計、基準、問題解決和採購工具。這種聯繫背後的理由集中於在正確的時間點向正確的個人交付正確的產品,並保持正確的質量,從而涉及到消除維持主要庫存的需要。在這一原則的框架內,沃爾沃的整個Uddevalla工廠、生產流程和勞動力等體系都面臨着重大問題。當追求卓越的細節時,人們嘗試在工作環境中創建自律的簡單性(Delahaye 2004)。工廠的操作員知道在這種情況下要考慮的每一項責任。作爲一種拉式方法,該哲學將員工和以人爲中心的關注作爲製造系統的關鍵驅動力。推遲已被確定爲實現大規模定製以及採購、產品和過程部分標準化的關鍵途徑。延遲的這種區別可以被稱爲直到或除非出現了客戶訂單,才最終交付或生產服務或產品的概念(Procter 2008)。供應商一體化和戰略伙伴關係、過程和產品的模塊化、快速和有效的一體化被視爲本組織成功實施大規模定製的基本戰略。在這種延期辦法的背景下,Uddevala把重點放在整個供應鏈上,而不是隻放在交貨或生產渠道上。

在“按訂單生產”的方法下,工人被確定爲與生產線相連,生產線是一個可變的輸入,涉及到隨產量波動的常規調整。員工對工作的期望是付出努力,對解決或思考工作問題的動機較少(Hannah 1994)。然而,許多新技術常常需要很長時間纔能有效地調試工作。此外,據說任何生產設備都有其特殊性,但是在大規模生產的範圍內,很少有任何鼓勵利用這些知識提高與設備有關的生產力產出的措施。當工作人員中的專家,如工程師,嘗試在週期時間和工作標準內合併與新設備有關的假定利益時,在發現或隱藏與工作有關的實際內容方面遇到了困難(Abrahamson 2000)。


Question 1: Main design principles affecting process design at Volvo’s Uddevalla Plant

Traditionally, there had been a presumption that the capacity of learning among the assembly work force not in a longer period had been affecting the content of work (Baumol 2002). As a contrasting view, this has been identified as the principle related to holistic learning and additive learning. Based on this, an argument can be placed that if the whole activity of working can be considered meaningful, the capacity of learning will be significantly high. A workshop of training at Uddevella helped in initiating the operations in the year 1986 with a unique instigation of the theoretical principles for placing technology of parallel production and holistic learning. Capacity of learning also has a relation with the issue of supplying materials within this category of production. These principles had a significant impact on process design at the Uddevalla Plant of Volvo somewhat affecting the overall quality and performance (Abrahamson 2000).

Question 2: Relationship between Volvo Uddevalla plant process design, customer orientation emergence and approaches “built to order”

Instead of just viewing quality in the form of a different concept, management of total quality as a philosophy of management addressed the notion regarding quality being involved in the process of production. At Uddevalla, in this context, stress was laid upon the principles related to continuous improvements, employee involvement and customer satisfaction in terms of quality (Hannah 1994). There was also an involvement of service and product design, benchmarking, problem solving and purchasing tools. The rationale behind this connection was focused on delivering the right product with the right individual at the right point of time and with the maintenance of right quality, thereby, involving the elimination of need to maintain major inventories. Within the principle, significant questions had been placed within the system that includes the entire Uddevalla plant of Volvo, its processes and labor forces. When excellence had been approached with the details, attempts were put in for the creation of self- disciplined simplicity within the environment at work (Delahaye 2004). Operators at the plant had knowledge about every single responsibility to be considered in the circumstances. As a system of pull approach, the philosophy had placed employees and human centric focus as the key drivers for the system of manufacturing. Postponement had been identified as the key approaches for realizing mass customization as well as part standardization of procurement, product and process. This differentiation of postponement can be referred to as a concept for finalizing the delivery or production of the services or the product until or unless there was occurrence of customer order (Procter 2008). Supplier integration and strategic partnership, modularity in processes and products, and rapid and effective integration were being treated as essential strategies of the organization for successfully implementing the mass customization. In this context of postponement approach, Uddevala focused on the entire chain of supply instead of only the channels of delivery or production.

Under the approaches of build to order, workers have been identified as being in adjunction with the line of production which is a variable input involving routine adjustment with swings of volume. There is an expectation from the workers for contributing efforts and having less motivation of solving or thinking problems over the job (Hannah 1994). Yet a number of new technologies often hold a requirement of extensive duration to debug the work in an effective manner. In addition to this, any equipment of production is said to be involving idiosyncrasies, but with the scope of mass production, rarely there had been any incentives for the utilization of that knowledge in improving the output of productivity related to the equipment. When the specialists in the staff, like the engineer, tried the incorporation of presumed benefits related to new equipment within the cycle times and work standards, struggle had been faced in discovering or concealing the actual content related to job (Abrahamson 2000).

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