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1775年,莱克星顿和康科德的战争展开了一场具有特殊天赐意义的革命。像艾萨克·巴克斯(Isaac Backus)和曼宁(Manning)这样的浸信会领袖们真诚地相信,革命是未来荣耀的重要一步。他们认为这是上帝的王国的开始。圣公会的华盛顿并没有完全同意这一观点。尽管如此,他还是坚持要在战争中交出神来。在这一地区,基督教预言的实现与战争的联系有不同的信仰和强调。许多人将美国的政治事务与不同的神圣目的混为一谈,因为从不同的观点可以看出,领导者对上帝有强烈的信仰。他们对神的工作有不同的解释。在这段时间里,共同的价值是上帝存在,并帮助美国人民从英国殖民中获得自由和自由的权利。在当今时代,道德与道德之间存在着激烈的冲突。从个人的角度来看,冲突的根源似乎是人们如何继续看待上帝。对宗教文本有主观的解读,这在社会上造成了问题。然而,上帝的信息一直都很清楚。同理心、善良和自由就是信息。即使是在埃弗里的马萨诸塞州战场上最脆弱的时刻,以及杰斐逊后来领导最珍视的自由的新政府的形成,也发现了公共的精神团结了人民。福音派、新教徒、自由理性主义者和反主义者都有与上帝建立联系的原则,这些原则后来在美国公民社会的成功形成中得以实现。因此,上帝的信仰是现代美国不同意见的直接结果。基于此,上帝的观点可以被合理化。


The war in Lexington and Concord in the years 1775 had unfolded a Revolution in the nation that has special providential significance. The Baptist leaders such as Isaac Backus and Manning genuinely believed that the revolution is an important step for glory in the future. They perceived this to be the inauguration of the Kingdom of God. Episcopalian Washington did not completely agree to this notion. Nevertheless, even he insisted that there were Gods to hand in the war. There was difference in faith and emphasis between the associations of the war with the fulfillment of Christian prophecy in the region. Many of the people conflated the America’s political affairs with different divine purpose, as it can be seen from the different opinions that the leaders had a strong belief in God. There were differences in their interpretation of God’s work. The common value that was held during this time was that God existed and was helping the American people for their right purpose of freedom and liberty from British colonization. In the current times, there is intense conflict over what is ethical and moral. From a personal standpoint, it seems as though the source of conflict is how the people continue to view God. There is subjective interpretation of the religious text and this is causing issues in the society. However, the message of God has always been quite clear. Empathy, kindness and liberty are the messages. Even in the most vulnerable moments of the issues of Avery’s Massachusetts battlefields and formation of newer Government that Jefferson later led to the most cherished freedoms, it is found that public spirituality united the people. Evangelicals, Protestants, liberal rationalists and deists all had the principles of connections with God that had later enabled in the formation of success of American civil society. Hence, the providence belief of God is the direct result of modern day America with its diverse opinion. Based on this, the views of the providence can be rationalized.

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