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行为理论是一种理解行为作为动机的指导因素的行为理论。Huitt & Hummel(1997a)的研究成果展示了经典的条件反射响应和生物反应将如何应用于动机的方向。在操作学习的过程中,学习者明白有些行为是有回报的,有些则不是。激励的强化将促使用户采取某种方式。这可能导致他们在训练时行为的增加或减少(Huitt & Hummel,1997b)。与行为理论相反的认知理论,其根源在于理解与信息处理有关的动机。在研究工作中有不同的认知理论。理解动机的一个流行认知理论是归因理论。正如Heider(1958)和Weiner(1974)提出的归因理论,每个人都试图通过给予一些归因来解释成功和失败。他们认为它可以是不同类型的。属性可以是内部的,也可以是外部的,也可以是不受个体或控制之下的人的控制。在学习环境中,学习者归因水平可以被理解以帮助他们。应该帮助学习者建立一个内部归因和控制。有了内部归因,学习者知道事情的发生是因为他们的努力。学习者对学习过程有一定程度的控制。如果个人遭受更多的外部归因,他们没有察觉控制,愿意将责任归咎于外部因素,那么此人就不会有动力去进行适当的研究行为,因为他们认为自己缺乏控制力。一个有外部归因的人很难帮助老师和内部归因的人。因此,基于反馈的学习系统的作用可以提高内部归因的程度。一个有内部归因的人会对他们的学习行为有更好的控制,并且更有责任感。当行为理论被应用于归因的认知理论时,就可以说,当一个人随着时间的推移而受到积极的援军的制约时,他们就会学会更好地欣赏他们的控制。

The behavioural theory is one that understands behaviour as guiding factors when it comes to motivation. The research works of Huitt & Hummel (1997a) present how classical conditioning responses and biological responses would be used in the direction of motivations. Under operant learning, the learner understands that some behaviour is rewarded and some is not. The reinforcement of incentives will hence push the user to act a certain way. It could result in an increase or decrease in behaviour as they are trained (Huitt & Hummel, 1997b). The cognitive theory as opposed to the behavioural theory has its roots in understanding motivations in relation to information processing. There are different cognitive theories as observed in the case of research works. One popular Cognitive theory to understanding motivations is the attribution theory. As Heider (1958) and Weiner (1974) presented the attribution theory, every individual will try to explain success and failure by giving some attributions. The way they attribute it could be of different types again. Attributions could be internal or external and they can also be attributions that are not under the control of the individual or those that are under their control. In a learning environment, the learner attribution levels could be understood in order to assist them. The learner should be assisted to develop an internal attribution and control. With internal attribution, the learner understands that things happen because of their effort. The learner observes a level of control over the learning process. Where individuals suffer more of external attribution, where they do not perceive control and are willing to blame externalities, then the person will not be motivated to proceed with appropriate study behaviour as they believe they lack control. A person with external attribution would be difficult for the teacher to help versus a person with internal attribution. The role of feedbacks based study system could hence improve the internal attribution aspects. An individual with internal attribution will possess better control over their learning behaviour, and is motivated to be more responsible. When behavioural theory conditioning is applied towards the cognitive theory of attributions, then it could be said that where an individual is conditioned with positive reinforcements over time, then they would learn to better appreciate their controls.

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