

英国论文代写 论文通

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这是企业讨价还价的过程。参与这一过程的利益相关者是雇主、雇员和谈判代表(Creighton and Forsyth, 2012)。他们参与了拟议的企业协议的谈判过程。雇主有义务通知雇员他们有法律顾问的权利。雇主必须确保雇员知道他们有谈判代表的权利。他们必须在协议签署后14天内开始。该通知必须发给现有员工,他们将根据《企业协议》的条款进行投保。如果签订绿地协议,雇主必须给雇员书面通知。


The Fair Work Act of 2009 states that an enterprise is any entity which is used for business, project or any other undertaking. The enterprise agreement can be made between a single employer and employees who are employed at the time the agreement is made and will be covered by the agreement. The single interest employers are employers who are involved in the joint venture or common enterprises. These are related by corporations. These employers are also authorized to be in a single interest employers by the Fair Work Commission. It can be either franchisee employees or other employers. The multi enterprise agreement is made usually between two or more employers with employees being employed at the times at which the agreement is made. They are covered by the agreement.

This is the process of enterprise bargaining. The stakeholders who are involved in this process are the employers, employees and respective bargaining representatives (Creighton and Forsyth, 2012). They are involved in the process of bargaining for the proposed enterprise agreement. It is the duty of the employer to notify the employees their right to having counsel. The employers must make sure that the employees are aware of their right of having a bargaining representative. They must start 14 days after the notification at the time of the agreement. The notification must be given to the current employees who will be covered under the terms of the enterprise agreement. In case of making Greenfield Agreement, the employers must give a written notice to the employee.


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