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毫无疑问,中国共和国的第一次失败可以说是源于袁世凯。他可以说是清朝最成功的指挥官。 Shikai的现代化新军指挥协助推动清朝的结束。军阀是一个国家的军事领导人,尤其是对任何人都不负责任的军人。袁世凯也是这样一个领导者,并且是以他的命令发起的时代(Spence,1999)。在某种程度上,军阀主义是后来中国内部分裂的组合。随着清政府的权力开始衰落,当地领导人开始增加个人权力。这种政治权力的分裂一直持续到袁世凯的总统任期。当他试图恢复清王朝的君主制度并重新定位自己的皇帝时,政府失去了很多权力,这标志着军阀主义的开始。当他在1916年去世时,它导致了建立国家权力真空。这是当时的军阀立即填补的(Mackerras,1998)。然而这个趋势是由袁世凯自己发起的。 1911年革命带来的满清统治结束,这导致中华民国成立。这既没有带来任何和平,也没有带来区域内的任何团结。为了团结起见,逸森从他的总统职位上下来,以支持史凯。革命是袁世凯背叛的。不仅如此,他还违反宪法框架,着眼于建立专政,并且看着自己成为皇帝。



There is no doubt that the first Chinese republic failure can be said to have occurred due to Yuan Shikai. He was arguably the most successful commander of the Qing dynasty. The modernised New Army command by Shikai helped in bringing forward Qing’s end. A warlord is a nation’s military leader especially the one having accountability to no one else. Yuan Shikai was also one such leader and the era initiated with his command (Spence, 1999). To some extent, warlordism was a combination of inner divisions which came forward in later China. As the authority of Qing started to wane, the leaders locally moved towards increasing their individual power. Such political power fragmentation continued till the presidency of Yuan Shikai. When he made attempt for reviving the monarchy of Qing and repositioning his self as an emperor, the government lost much power and this marked the beginning of warlordism. When he died within the year 1916, it led towards creating a national vacuum of power. This was filled immediately by the warlords of the time (Mackerras, 1998). The trend however was initiated by yuan Shikai himself. The 1911 revolution brought over Manchu rule to end and this led towards Republic of China being established. This neither brought any peace nor did it bring any unity within the region. For unity’s sake, Yat-Sen came down from his presidency position in order to favour Shi-kai. The revolution was betrayed by Yuan Shi-kai. Not only this but he also violated the constitution framework and looked at setting up dictatorship and also looked at himself becoming an emperor.

A second revolution was led by Sun Yat-sen against Shi-kai, but it ended in his defeat. The infamous 21 demands were presented by Japan to China. The acceptance of these demands meant that most parts of China will be colonized through Japan (Hsu, 1995). The Yuan Shi-kai surrender to the demands of Japan made him discredited thoroughly in the citizen’s eyes and its culmination occurred in 1919. Yuan’s death and any central power’s absence led to the rising of centrifugal forces and led towards the Warlordism age. After Yuan Shi-kai, China was filled with war lords who looked to accomplish their personal interests. At his time, political crisis had intensified. The central power disappeared and this in turn gave rise to the forces of centrifugal nature (Benson, 2002). This henceforth plunged the nation into a chaotic and anarchy filled state. There was no doubt that the Yuan Shi-Kai forces eventually divided the republic even with their demise. Many factors added to Yuan Shi-Kai starting the warlord era. For example, the president post and the capital place shifted from military groups hands. The ruling of Yuan Shi-kai led towards warlordism to initiate wit real oppression being faced in the nation. Conditions further worsened after Yuan Shi-kai’s death as he had initiated the era of warlords (Benson, 2002). No action could be taken against them as any action in opposition to the warlords had to have an anti-imperial nature. Therefore, it can easily be said that Yuan Shi-kai initiated warlordism and he was the first warlord in the republic.


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