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公共倡议:在报告中,西太平洋银行还表明,有责任的词的社区,当看到网站办公室回来和报告,有非常少的信息提供给词的倡议,为社会。这些报告显示了世行的担忧,但定量信息非常少。看看在西太平洋银行工作的35000人,只有150人被预留用于社会项目,只有不到5%的员工接受过同样的培训。考虑到2017年的目标,西太平洋银行只培训了500多名员工,这与其全部员工相比是一个非常低的数字(Businesswire, 2016)。

关于碳排放的数据:根据毕马威的报告,许多企业没有就碳排放和碳排放任务进行报告。上面显示的数据使其优于竞争对手。世界银行利用这些数据来展示它如何在未来减少碳排放,并使其成为其年度目标的一部分。有一份清晰的报告分成单独的部分,显示碳排放量一直低于全国电力市场,显示了企业改善自身的意愿。通过展示这些数据,Westpac可能会失去很多利益相关者,而且在之前的报告中也提到,state holder更关注生态风险和收益的透明度。然而,报告必须更精确地说明西太平洋银行在减少碳排放方面采用的方法。目前还不清楚该计划的实施方式,以及世行为实现这一目标正在做些什么。





There are various areas where Westpac need improvement as well, a few of which are:

Communal initiatives: In the report, Westpac also shows that there has been responsibility to words the community, when looking at the websites office back and reports, there has been a very less amount of information given to words it’s initiatives for the society. The reports show concern of the bank, yet there is very less quantitative information. Looking at the number of persons working in Westpac bank that is around 35,000, just 150 have been set aside for the social initiatives and less than 5% of employees have been trained on the same. Looking at the target for 2017, Westpac focuses on only 500 more employees to be trained for social initiatives which are a very low number as compared to its full workforce (Businesswire, 2016).

Data regarding emission of Carbon: as per the KPMG’s report, many of the businesses do not report for the carbon and missions. This data shown above makes it to be better than its competitors. This bank uses this data to show how it can reduce the carbon emissions in future and makes it a part of its yearly objectives. There is a clear report divided into a separate section which shows that the carbon emissions had been lower than the national electricity market, revealing the willingness of business to improve its self. By showing this data, Westpac can lose a lot of stakeholders and also in the previous report, it was mentioned that state holders are more concerned regarding the transparency about ecological risks and returns. Yet, the report has to be more precise about the ways which are used by Westpac regarding the reduction of carbon emissions. There is no clarity on the way it is done and what the bank is doing to achieve this objective.


The report shows only identification of risk ways to resolving those risks and the tendency of the business to words the desk. However, it is recommended that to be transparent Westpac must also clearly specify the ways it has been applying for mitigation of the risk. This may best be able to demonstrate how effective and strong it has been towards the reduction of carbon emissions.

Structure of Report: One more thing that can be noticed is that improvement in report structure. There is very less focus put on the sustainability discussions and it has been assigned a separate section for the same. This shows that sustainability has been given a different space than the global report. It is recommended that the bank takes sustainability as the part of its global reporting.

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