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这篇文章恰当地提出的伪科学主张是,它没有强调“对轶事的过度依赖”。这种失败背后的原因是作者不依赖于从其他来源提供的信息,而是为了让读者满意而展示自己的例子。作者首先声称研究表明瑜伽有助于预防心血管疾病。然后,作者给出了她自己的例子,练习瑜伽后,她一直在体验好处。作者通过自己的例子,纠正了错误,并通过自己的亲身经历强调了好处。此外,作者还避免使用“无意义的心理呓语”,这意味着这些词听起来确实很大很重要,但在真正意义上,它们是不必要的。作者用了非常简单的词来解释她关于如何在工作中做得更好的观点。使用简单的词汇可以接触到更广泛的受众,人们相信,很大一部分人可以通过理解而受益。正如class (Fortune, 2016)中定义的那样,如果遵循简单的要求,使用自己的研究数据和简单的文字,就不难写出一篇research article。作者详细介绍了她在瑜伽课上的益处,并以一种详细而简单的方式进行了解释。


In the research given for the assignment “Want to learn to love yoga? Reward yourself with Timbits”, two of the scientific principles have been presented very reasonably. The first scientific principle that has been put across is related to correlation vs. causation. This principle is suggestive of the fact that if two things are related then it does not necessarily mean that one of the things is the causative agent for another. In the article, the author claims that yoga or aerobic exercise is helpful in prevention of many diseases. The author has given data to prove that people who attend regular yoga classes were mostly free from the general allergies than the people who don’t. As a result, the author proved her point by doing proper research. The second scientific claim is replicability of the findings i.e. the readers would be able to replicate the results if they follow the same methodology. The author has initially mentioned that it has been demonstrated that aerobic exercises helps to build a stronger immunity and in prevention of the diseases. Then the author has given her data that how she benefited from the yoga classes. She has also mentioned in the other data about how many people were free from aches, allergies and other problems after attending regular yoga classes. Hence, it is concluded that the data of the author can be easily replicated.


The pseudoscientific claim that this article aptly brings forward is that it fails to highlight the “overreliance on anecdotes”. The reason established behind this failure is that the author does not rely on the information provided from other sources, and instead presents her own example for the satisfaction of the readers. The author had first claimed that research says yoga helps in prevention of cardiovascular disorders. Then, the author gives her own example that after practicing yoga she has been experiencing benefits. Through her own example, the author has set the things right and has highlighted the benefits through her own personal experience. Also, the author has refrained from the use of “Meaningless psychobabble”, which suggests that the words sound really big and significant but in the real sense they are unnecessary. The author has used very simple words to explain her point on how to do better in job. The use of simple words reaches to a larger audience and it is believed that a large share of population can reap benefits through the understanding developed in turn. As defined in class (Fortune, 2016), it is not difficult to write a research article if one follows the simple requirements by using his own research data and simple words. The author has detailed the benefits availed by her during her visits to the yoga class and has explained the same in a detailed and simple manner.

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