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医疗旅游业务(MTB)是一家成功的公司,为澳大利亚的医疗旅游和国际诊所提供咨询服务。是否有客户需要吸引病人的特定区域入境旅游的范围,或需要发送病人一些地区出境旅游的范围下,公司着重于直接代病人询问业务固定电话,网站或电子邮件帐户的客户端(水汽&卡雷拉,2010)。客户只是提供相关信息,而医疗旅游业务则专注于其他。它是MakeMedicalTrip.com的母公司,在全球范围内运营。这些服务已经缩小了范围,可以在特定目标国家使用,为客户向行业领袖和初创企业组织推荐人才提供最合适的渠道。公司一直不懈不懈地为客户提供以下服务(Yeoh et al., 2013):








该公司对业务的繁荣表现出关键的奉献精神,同时根据业务的具体需求调整方法。提供教育的优质资源侧重于在他们转移到像病人问询这样的收入来源之前建立业务(Middleton et al., 2009)。另一方面,该行业的领导者一直从消费者的优质推荐中获益,而且肯定有能力改善他们的年度利润。


Medical Tourism Business (MTB) is a successful company of consumer referral for the facilitators of medical tourism and international clinics of health care in Australia. Whether any client requires attraction of patients to a specific region with the scope of inbound tourism, or there is a need for sending patients to some territories under the scope of outbound tourism, the company focuses on the direct generation of patient inquiries to the business landline, website or email account of the client (Lunt & Carrera, 2010). The clients are just supposed to be supplying relevant information, while Medical Tourism Business focuses on the others. It is the parent organization of MakeMedicalTrip.com, while operating all across the globe. The services have been narrowed down, making them available for certain target nations, providing the most appropriate source for customers referrals to industry leaders as well as start-ups organizations. The company has been working relentlessly and tirelessly for the provision of clients with the following (Yeoh et al., 2013):

Serious customer from the origin of interest

High returns over investments

Continuous education and training

Contracts of risk management

Shorter cycles of conversion

More number of foreign patient


The company shows key dedication for the flourishment of business, while tailoring the approach to specific needs of the business. The quality resources providing education focus on setting up operations prior to their movement over generators of revenue like inquiries of patient (Middleton et al., 2009). On the other hand, leaders of the industry have been benefitting from the premium referrals of consumer and surely has the ability of improving their yearly bottom line.

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