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On the basis of above discussion, it can be concluded that proper treatment of conduct disorder is possible only when proper diagnosis is done. Diagnosis of conduct disorder has gone through massive changes over period of time, but one thing that has remained unchanged is that the diagnosis of causes is prior to diagnosis of symptoms. The type of disorder must be explored before starting to treat because of the reason that each type of disorder requires different treatment. For example, adolescent-onset type requires different treatment as compared to childhood-onset type. As far as the treatment of conduct disorder is concerned many changes has taken place in this field too. Success of treatment is dependent upon various factors in addition to proper diagnosis. A child develops characteristics of conduct disorder over a longer period of time therefore it requires consistent and prolonged efforts to cure him. Moreover one thing that is of primary importance that individual cannot be treated well if factors related to his family and living environment are not taken into account. Support of family is necessary to provide proper treatment and to obtain desirable results. Those children who are treated with the help of family are likely to recover soon an on the other hand those patients that are treated in isolation show less tendency to recover soon. On the whole, a treatment remains successful if a prior and detailed plan is developed by mental health specialist before starting treatment. This plan must be made taking into account the consideration of family members and teachers of individual facing conduct disorder.

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