




Media is also used as an important tool for propaganda and political promotions. In today’s times, when the costs of election campaigning are spiralling up, political parties spend lots of money to place advertisements in the media. Although the truthfulness of the ads can be debated, the outreach of the media allows parties and candidates a wider audience for political campaigning. The authenticity of political ads can be questioned, and so can the role of the media, in this context, especially the role of the role of the paid media and its impact .Modern propaganda uses the media as its means to convey its messages through television, radio, social network, leaflets, and wall graffiti. Political system too has resorted to several methods of creating a made up propaganda to suit their needs which unfortunately has had the tacit support of the media (in some instances). Political systems and governments have utilised the media to spread a propaganda that could be far from reality to mislead the people on crucial facts that could help them make an informed decision. There have been a few instances in the past when the political parties and governments have hired PR agencies to spread incorrect information in the media to suit their political needs. Incorrect information and half truths can prevent the people from making a clear opinion allowing political parties to manipulate public sentiments and perceptions (Boltanski, 1999). Though deceitful propaganda and misleading advertisements can raise questions of ethics, yet, these are used by political parties with the support of the media.