


女权主义者对性工作者和卖淫有不同的看法。反卖淫的女权主义者认为,卖淫是对女性的剥削,男性对女性的支配地位被认为是男权社会秩序的结果(Purvis, 2012)。卖淫对性工作者和社会都产生了消极的影响,女权主义者认为女性是社会中男性可以利用和滥用的性对象。然而,后女权主义者认为性工作对于选择它的个人来说是一个有效的选择(Parry-Giles, 2011)。这一观点暗示,卖淫应与强迫性工作不同,性工作者的行动主义应得到妇女的支持,反对法律制度和性产业的虐待。


女性主义观点认为,性骚扰是社会中男性控制和削弱女性对手的一种强大方式。种族态度和阶级优越感会让男性觉得他们有权对女性进行性骚扰(Messner, 2012)。这种看法还意味着,拒绝服从骚扰者的要求将导致与工作有关的报复,这是一种含蓄的信息。在女权主义的观点下,女性在面对性骚扰时是社会的受害者。


There are diverse views of feminists over the sex workers and prostitution. The anti-prostitution feminists hold the view that prostitution is an exploitation of women where the dominance of male is viewed over the women and the practice is a result of the patriarchal order of society (Purvis, 2012). The negative impact is argued of the prostitution on the sex workers as well as the society, the view of feminist places the women to be viewed as sex objects that can be utilized and abused by the male in society. Whereas, the post-feminists view sex work to be a valid choice for the individuals that chooses it (Parry-Giles, 2011). This view implies that the prostitution should be differed from the forced sex work and the sex worker activism should be supported by women against the abuses from the legal system and the sex industry.


As per the feminist view, sexual harassment is a powerful manner for males in the society to control their female counterpart and undermine them. Racial attitudes and superiority of class can result in making males feel that they are entitled towards women sexual harassment (Messner, 2012). The view also entails that there is a message of implicit nature which the refusal towards complying with the demands of the harasser will lead towards reprisal related to work. Women when facing sexual harassment under the feminist view are victims of the society.