


The research has identified that the organization is committed towards continuously expanding the product line. This is achieved by adding the different mustard related products that are produced by different techniques. Moreover, the organization is strongly encouraged towards internationalisation and developing a global brand. Therefore, the combination of the aspects that are inclined towards internationalisation makes the Amora Mustard export ready.
It has been identified from research that Australia will be suitable for as the export destination for Amora Mustard and its mustard products. This has been established as majority of the consumers are used Mustard in 3 out of 5 dishes (Kurz and Senses, 2016). The researchers showed that Asia is a substantial market for the use of oriental mustard as cooking oil. It used to be similarly revealed up to expectation the need because mustard is regularly growing across Australia, because the usage on mustard throughout Australia measure beside torsion after praedial use. Moreover, the hospitableness of Australia has considerable usage of organically full-aged mustard for majority of the items among the system to provide a unique taste, with a distinctive or hint of spice (Moen, 2012). Hence, the Amora Mustard will keep in a position to join the needs regarding each the customers, then hospitableness organizations by using offering high characteristic mustard products.
There are various factors of success in exporting goods such as mustard products to Australia. These factors are close collaboration with the fast growing market of Asia, richness of natural resources, strong growth in population, and sound fiscal management. Further ahead, the exposure and engagement of Australia with the fastest growing market of Asia can assist the European company for expanding across the region. All of these aspects make Australia highly feasible for the activity of export.