


The study of impacts of the political ecology is distinct from the study of social impacts. The Chipko movement affects the political and ecological factor which represents different kinds of political approaches to the study of the other historical movements including environmental movements. According to few writers due to Chipko movement, Indian forestry policy was introduced and it affects the other policies of the Uttarakhand portion. The involvement of the woman in Chipko can explore the leadership qualities among the women. During the ruling of the British, they introduce Colonial forest department and they offer the agriculture facilities and the tea plantation by clearing the farm. They encourage in the plantation of the trees for collecting the timbers for the export purpose and build up a better infrastructure.
During the political movement of the rich people, it is illustrated to be mostly affecting the upper-middle, middle, and the people live below poverty level (Moore, 2011). Many environmental organizations are involved in the Chipko movement with organizational membership. It was near to 5-10 million in the beginning, but from 1970 to 1973 more than 30% membership decrease from the previous year. According to Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Chipko is the representation of the “moral conscience” of India. Thus she ordered to ban cutting trees for 15 years, from the 1,000 meters up to the Himalayan forest level. The area was limited between India’s the Western Ghats to the Vidhya Mountain ranges. The primary intention of the Chipko was to save the trees and the forests, but after this movement, all the political parties start to support this movement for making a special appearance in public’s mind.
Many individual persons used this movement as political agenda. In the series of Chipko, when the woodcutters arrived in the forests the women sing Corus song and stop them by holding each other’s hand. It is formed by making a circle round the tree with making a loud noise which is known as Andolan. It was a nonviolent and effective process which is made to prevent deforestation. It was made by hugging the trees and this step was taken by the women of the area of the Uttar Pradesh region (Shah, 2008). After this movement, Uttarakhand was introduced as an independent state for the revolutionary party that organized a political movement for the saving forestry. Before this movement, more than 60% of the forest was covered by lands, but after establishments of the individual state Uttarakhand, it took the initiative to the implant the trees. “The green revolution techniques” which is directly related to the Chipko was a focus on the improvement of the agriculture which was a distributed part of the Uttarakhand.
