

本文主要是訪談式定性研究數據收集,學生所尋求的學習環境形式是教授和教授反饋起重要作用的學習環境。正如Griner and Sobol(2014)所述,教授在提高學生的理解方面將發揮非常關鍵的作用。對學生來說,經常會有一些特殊的問題和需要。教師將給予反饋和支持,幫助孩子解決他們的困難(俄亥俄州立大學,2016;Yoon和Portman, 2004)。本篇代寫essay文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The current trends of the population and the quality of life are detailed from a macro environmental perspective. In the current times four trends have profound impact on the lives of the people. It is easy to look and not underestimate the trends. This is acceleration of the existing conditions that are found in people. An innate increase in the quality of life in certain areas of the world. It can be found that in general, more access to the resource are observed (Kibert, 2016). This is made possible owing to the mass production and technology. The challenges to the developmental professionals are now greater than over.
Rampant capitalization has led to increase in mass production and decrease in the rates. However, it cannot be refuted that unequal development that is observed in the nations. This unequal development in the nation is due to the ways in which the capitalism and the production are developed. The people are now caught in a cycle of events where constant growth in one stream and tyranny of the other aspects that are evident in the other aspect. The third factor that dominate the argument is that the development of the Newtonian paradigm of things. A complex paradigm that looks to dominate the life of the people. These have invariably leaded to exclusion of the people. A more detailed account is described in the following.
The advent of capitalism has led to the new age detrimental impact of greed. This notion of greed and the avarice of the people have led them to focus on the ways to increase their wealth and material assets. In this quest for wealth generation, the humanity values of empathy, respect and inclusivity are overlooked. These social exclusion leads to marginalization of certain groups of people. Owed to the imperialistic development in the world, there was unequal distribution of wealth (White, 1996). The people in an effort to address these nations have tried to come up with solutions in capitalism. However, it cannot be refuted that exclusion is presnet in this policy.
Some minority groups of people and members in the economically downtrodden nations seem to be focused on the ways to gain basic needs for survival. Nevertheless, their requests are overlooked that is based on greed exists in the nation. The social policies of the states and the individual nations do not find a cohesive policy to bring in more equal growth. It is found that mandatory need for all the state actors and the individual policy makers to derive a cohesive policy that is needed for the growth of the people. In this current scheme, many gaps are observed. These cause the people to be impacted by these tenets.