





Taking into consideration the results according to the interviews which showed that courses like MBA, finance and economics are popular amongst the students. Moreover, the institute doesn’t have enough facilities (both infrastructure and professional teachers) to add more courses. The management can take into consideration the proposal of adding more courses provided they hire more professional teachers and at the same time focusing on the infrastructure. It is important to add more professional courses like Finance, Economics, Masters in Business Administration etc. in addition to the prevailing professional courses like Hospitality, Health, Business, IT, Trade and Technical, Sports, Life Sciences taking into consideration the demand of the current economic conditions and rising preference of these subjects amongst the students (Otago Polytechnic, 2014). With the boom in the recent economy, these subjects are in main demand taking into view the job industry and the preferences of the students. Moreover, it has been observed that most of the students who complete their undergraduate studies from the institute wish to pursue their higher studies from the same institute too. Thus, there arises a demand to introduce masters in the prevailing subjects offered by the institute.
On the other hand, to ensure that the students who study at the institute get best knowledge of the concerned field and thus are suitable for the job market, it is essential that the institute also hires more of professional teachers. These professionals must have previous experience of working in their field and must have practical knowledge which could be given to the students. It must be understood that the name of the institute is established because of its students, faculty and the infrastructure (Nkwi, 2001). Hence, another aspect which must be considered is that of infrastructure so as to accommodate the new students who would be admitted in the fresh courses.