

本文拽內容是BT當前業務戰略的適宜性,在進行內部和外部分析時,BT的可持續性將是顯而易見的。根據這一點,將提供適當性的例子。這是顯而易見的事實,英國電信有廣泛的服務,作為其戰略差異化的一部分。這使得BT在中短期內保持成功成為可能。公司始終堅持其強大的重點,以獲得最大的盈利能力。根據Euromonitor的數據,英國的電信行業正在不斷擴張(Hoque 2003)。本篇代寫論文費用文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

On performing internal and external analysis, sustainability of BT will be evident. Depending upon this, the examples for suitability will be provided. This is evident from the fact that BT has a wide range of services as part of its strategic differentiation. This makes it suitable over mid to short term for BT to remain successful. The company consistently persists on its strong focus in order to obtain the maximum in terms of profitability. According to Euromonitor, the telecommunications industry of UK is ever expanding (Hoque 2003).
This is to say that the companies working across this sector will continue to strive successfully by grabbing opportunities. However, due to tough competitiveness, companies require a broader focus and this has been done by BT. In the long run, the company will expand its mobile services department and this strategy is fit for this as well as it allows for broad focus on the scope of the product and customers. For example, BT utilized the business opportunity to surpass expected operational risks. In this case, New York Bank was one of the organizations with this issue and were responsible to manage more capital than 1 trillion USD across UK investment groups. This business opportunity was used by BT to offer New York’s banks with higher service standard while other organizations failed in meeting every requirement under this opportunity (Johnson et al 2008).
The bank was given ability by BT to mobilize its resources through information mail centre and transmit the same by providing complete infrastructure for communications in parallel terms. The solution offered by BT was based on a much higher technology and this led towards providing them with an appropriate network to use over longer distances and for making it suitable to plan in businesses. Then, for purposes of business, banks have the ability of updating every location as and when needed. Across the world, BT has showed its leadership in the form of such examples as quoted above.