

本文主要講各個航空公司碳排放的優勢,聯合航空公司的碳減排項目的主要優點是,它為客戶提供了一個機會,讓他們個人減少所需的碳排放水平。美國聯合航空公司的這個項目鼓勵客戶購買不同的碳補償,這有助於減少碳排放在他們的空中旅行。這方面的項目幫助客戶實時了解碳排放對環境的有害影響。布魯塞爾航空公司運營的CO – offset項目的另一個主要優勢是,它與CO2 logic公司合作,目的是通過出售機票來產生足夠的資金。本篇代寫論文文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The major advantages that could be identified from the carbon reduction project of United Airlines are that it provides an opportunity to the customers to individually reduce their required level of carbon emission. This project of United Airlines encourages customers to purchase different carbon offsets which can be useful to reduce carbon emission during their air travel. This aspect of the project helps the customers to get a real-time view of the harmful effects of carbon emission on the environment. Another major advantage of CO offsetting program operated under Brussels Airlines is that it has collaborated with CO2 logic with an aim to generate adequate funds through the sale of airline tickets.
The allocated funds are further used by Brussels Airlines to develop and promote greenhouse projects in major developing countries in Africa such as Uganda under the certification of UNFCCC or Gold Standard (Brusselsairlines, 2017).
The advantage of the carbon emission project by JetBlue is that the company utilizes the amount generated from carbon emission in promoting environmental projects in the United States. The major examples of such projects are Landfill Gas Destruction projects in Salt Lake City, Utah and Tree Planting projects under the supervision of US Forest Services in Arcadia and California.
The carbon reduction project launched by Emirates Airlines provides a huge benefit in the form of contributing equally towards environment protection. In this project, Emirates contributes around billions of dollars to develop their own low emission flights. The major unique aspect of this project is that it believes in “Emitter-Pays Principle” which means airline industries should take up the responsibility towards carbon reduction rather than passing it to consumers (Emirates, 2017).
The problem associated with the carbon reduction in United Airlines is that the process of purchasing carbon offsets often asks customers to donate towards carbon reduction projects which often become an added expense for the customers (Kidman, 2011).
Another major disadvantage of carbon emission reduction projects launched by airlines companies like Emirates, JetBlue, United Airlines and Brussels Airlines is that the process of donating money for offsets is very time-consuming in nature. Moreover, the procedure to collect the actual receipt and form fill-ups is also confusing and lengthy in nature which often creates pressures for low qualified passengers around the world (Dulebenets, 2016).