


跨国公司试图通过创建内部提升来应对这些障碍,来应对公司的挑战。他们努力为当地的人才发展许多职业发展的地方。这些公司试图通过与当地大学(Kuhlmann & Hutchings,2010)合作开发内部培训,合作课程建设。他们还通过提供金钱奖励来促进发展和防止员工流失。培训与发展和薪酬的结合是员工努力在同一家公司工作的关键举措。有时,公司的做法不被认为是透明的。这就造成了公司的冲突。高层管理人员认为这种期望完全透明的做法是基于缺乏信任(Shih,Chiang & Hsu,2010)。这给了他们一个离开的理由(缪思,阿德勒&徐,2011)。外派员工习惯了全球文化,觉得这是强制性的。这种不和谐导致了公司文化中的摩擦和不安。这些公司想要一种能让所有员工感到受欢迎的文化。他们想留住最好的员工和人才(Selmer,2005)。在这个过程中,公司愿意尝试多种方法。然而,有一些基于文化的问题必须要考虑到这种模式。


The Multinational companies try to handle the challenges of the companies by creating internal initiates to address these hurdles. They try to develop numerous career-development places for the local talent. The companies try to develop internal training, collaborative curriculum-building by working with local universities (Kühlmann & Hutchings, 2010). They also foster development and prevent employee turnover by providing them with monetary incentives. The combination of training and development and compensation are key initiatives for the employees to try to work in the same companies. Sometimes, the practices of the companies are not considered to be transparent. This creates conflict in the companies. The upper management employees feel that this practice of expecting total transparency is based on lack of trust (Shih, Chiang & Hsu, 2010). It gives them potentially a reason to leave (Miao, Adler & Xu, 2011). The expatriate employees are used to the global culture and feel that it is mandatory. This dissonance causes friction and unease in the company culture. The companies want a culture that will make all the employees feel welcome. They want to retain the best employees and talent (Selmer, 2005). For this process, the companies are willing to try out numerous methods. However, there are issues based on culture that must be factored in this paradigm.