




The aforementioned painting is named as Starry Night by Van Gogh, which is influenced by Impressionists and when Van Gogh painted this beautiful piece of art, it was a clear night in South France when he painted it. The painting showcases an immense deployment of various aspects and ideologies of art in it. The curvy lines that demonstrate the sky which certainly pose an impression of a moving sky and all the shapes as well as silhouettes in the paining are indefinite and curvy. The painting is giving out an impression of the night which has nothing very different or unusual about it. The brush strokes and textures in the lines have long strokes rather than short ones along with the usage of the colour tint which comprises of calm and cool colours with blue and green hues. There is a sense of equilibrium in the picture because that these calm colours and the vibrant yellow used in the painting makes it stand out and builds the attractiveness component in the paining. Vincent painted such city-shapes and atmospheric shapes taking the Impressionism theory of using powerful and attractive colours in the painting.