


面试准备完毕后,下一步计划是开始与客户面谈。在这里,面试官君泽和观察员史蒂文率先与减肥客户见面,健康饮食来控制胆固醇的目标。 Junize和Steven都和Keng小姐口头问候,并且都是跟着介绍的。自我安慰和客户的舒适度都被优先考虑,所以面试可以没有任何问题。为了让这次面试更加舒适,Junize和Steven都和Zeng进行了小型的闲谈,所以面试不会感到无聊。 Junize和Steven随后以明确的议程讨论了咨询的目标。在此之后,采访转向具体的实际利益和提供更多细节的探索。探索 – 教育阶段:经过彼此的介绍和客观的解释,君泽和史蒂文都开始谈论评估形式,比较各种计划和效益。对问题进行了识别,记录了自我激励的表述,对客户在计划中需要的变化进行了讨论,讨论了改变健康生活方式的动机,整个计划和经验根据客户的需要而改变。这个阶段保持高度顺畅,客户根本没有问题。在整个对话和讨论过程中,与客户进行目光交流,让客户感受到更多的力量,因此可以询问或讨论是否出现在评估阶段。


After the preparation of the interview, the next plan was for opening the interview with the client. Here, the interviewer Junizing and observer Steven took the lead to meet the client with lose weight, healthy diet to control the cholesterol goal. Both Junizing and Steven had verbal greeting with Miss. Keng and introduced by both were followed. Both self-comfort and client comforts were kept in priority so the interview can be done without any problem. To make this interview more comfortable, both Junizing and Steven started small casual talk with Zeng so that interview should not feel boring. Junizing and Steven then discussed the objective of the counselling with the clear established agenda. After this, the interview turned for exploration for more details with actual benefits and offering. Exploration-Education Phase: After the each other’s introduction and objective explanation, both Junizing and Steven started talking about the assessment forms, comparison with various plans and benefits. The problems were identified, self-motivational statements were recorded, changes if needed in the plan by client were discussed, the motivation for change in healthy lifestyle routine were discussed, the entire plan and experience was changed as per the need of the client. This phase was kept highly smooth so that the client had no issue at all. During entire conversation and discussion eye contact was made with client so client feel more strength and so will be able to ask or discuss if appears in the assessment phase.