


观察孩子在户外环境中的数学活动比室内环境更好,这很有趣。研究研究似乎表明这种有益的影响在很多孩子身上都有体现(Anders et al,2012;穆里根,2015;Skwarchuk等,2014)。在早期教育中,学生的计算能力和读写能力正在发生变化。在过去,孩子们的教育方式是依赖于使用基于室内纸的教学形式。然而,在当前的教学中,教学已经转向了教学的视觉形式、听觉形式等不同的形式。教学的户外风格被认为是提高早期学习者学习能力的一种方式。早期学习者在户外的时间比所有其他年龄段的人都多,因此这段时间也可以用来教他们(LTL,2016)。它结合了孩子的活动和学习的好处。大部分关于户外教学和学习报告的研究成果(Reid & Andrews,2016;Whitebread & Coltman,2015)。例如,考虑到基金会阶段的课程指导(2001)提出了这个问题,“许多成年人对数学的信心比其他任何学习领域都小。”一些成年人认为数学是“做算术”,他们不知道它涉及的远不止这些“(p . 73),而对于有效的教学,教育委员会来说,”需要帮助孩子们将自己视为数学家的实践者,并培养他们对学习的积极态度和倾向。孩子们对数字、测量和形状有一种自然的兴趣,他们通过与环境和他人的互动而产生。(《基础阶段的课程指导》,2001年,第71页)。


It was interesting to observe how the child being observed did well on mathematics activities in the outdoor environment better than the indoor environment. Research studies seem to present that this form of a beneficial impact is observed in many children (Anders et al, 2012; Mulligan, 2015; Skwarchuk, et al, 2014). In early education, there is now a change in the way numeracy and literacy skills are being imparted to children. Children in the past were taught in a way that over relied on the use of indoor paper based forms of teaching. However, in current times, the teaching has moved on to different forms such as that of visual forms of teaching, aural forms etc. Outdoor style of teaching is argued as a way to enhance the learning skills of early learners. Early learners spend more time outdoor compared to all other age groups and hence it follows that this time could be used to teach them too (LTL, 2016). It combines the benefits of activity for the child and learning at the same time. Most research work on outdoor style of teaching and learning report benefits (Reid & Andrews, 2016; Whitebread & Coltman, 2015). For instance, consider how the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage (2001) presented this issue, “Many adults are less confident about mathematics than any other area of learning. Some adults think of mathematics as ‘doing sums’ and are not aware that it involves much more than that” (p.73) and that for the context of effective teaching, educational committees, “Requires practitioners who help children to see themselves as mathematicians, and develop positive attitudes and dispositions towards their learning. Children have a natural interest in numbers, measuring and shapes, which aroused by interaction with their environment and with other people” (Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage, 2001, p. 71).