




With the advent of globalization, fast food chains have emerged. These fast food chains are just another term for sweatshops. Major corporations of fast food have gained benefits from young employees hiring over cheap prices (Power, 2016). Nowadays, however, young individuals are not the only ones who have taken these jobs. The workers are from every age and ethnicity. They depend over such jobs for their minimum daily requirements (Power, 2016). For example, in California, the minimum wage is set at 9 dollars for an hour. This makes it very difficult to acknowledge that such folks have managed to earn a living of decent nature. Some even have to depend over assistance from people and have struggled somehow to make their requirements accomplished. These fast food firms have kept individuals to work for more and more hours while providing them with as low wage as is possible (Power, 2016). The poor working conditions cannot be ignored and this is another negative influence of globalization over food. Especially, in the food industry, having jobs involves more stress and depression that no job. People have devoted livelihood to such companies and have gained nothing in return.