




Primarily before the Winter Olympics was hosted here, Sochi was a city that was lacking majorly in even basic transportation and other housing infrastructure. Although a resort town, the minimal options ensured only unstable tourism. After the Winter Olympics, the place was invested with around 51$ billion and now has many large facilities compared to some of the main cities of Russia. Housing units, railway systems and increases security for people are observed here. In this rapid development, as research suggests most cities do not plan much for sustainability and this is an issue for Sochi too (Coaffee, 2015). For future events, Sochi should reconsider development plans. They should make their development plans more sustainable. This way, both the land use would be minimal and land impact will be reduced, too. Furthermore, it was evident that the Russian Government had to spend more on just venue maintenance in the aftermath of the Olympics. This maintenance would have been saved, if Sochi’s development was done sustainably.