


根据Boyd & Hargittai(2010),近40%的互联网用户面临着网络骚扰的问题。社交媒体,尤其是Facebook,是一个常用的平台,经常被互联网用户用来骚扰不同的人。各种各样的人也会在Facebook上受到骚扰。年轻人,年龄在18到24岁之间,是被骚扰的人,他们甚至成为网络跟踪的目标。尤其是年轻女性必须通过Facebook面对各种各样的网络骚扰,大约26%的在线用户不得不面对网络跟踪的问题。约有25%的在线用户必须通过社交媒体(如Facebook)来面对在线骚扰的问题。大约33%的在线用户因为受到网络欺凌或骚扰而受到了严重的性骚扰。这让他们很沮丧,他们觉得整个事情让他们非常沮丧(Clarke, 2012)。

一个人应该选择避免这种隐私和监视问题的最重要的途径是选择“unfriend”选项。在每一个Facebook页面上都有一个“unfriend”选项,它允许你“unfriend”那些你不喜欢的人。如果可能,可以通过阻塞用户来防止此类事件。“unfriend”和“block”选项都可以在Facebook上使用,因此,这样可以防止用户进入他/她的页面。有可能向Facebook官方报告此事。有一些共同的标准组织遵循,如果有人报告任何违背这些标准的事情,那么Facebook的权威将会采取措施反对它(Boyd & Hargittai, 2010)。


According to Boyd & Hargittai, (2010), almost 40% of the internet users face the problem of online harassment. Social media, especially Facebook, is the common platform, which is being often used by the internet users for harassing various people. Various people get harassed through Facebook as well. Young people, who are between the age group of 18 and 24 years, are the people who are being harassed and they even become the target of cyber stalking as well. Especially young women have to face sever kinds of online harassment through Facebook, and around 26% of the online users have to face the problem of cyber stalking. Around 25% of the total online users have to face the problem of online harassment through social media, such as Facebook. Around 33% of the online users, who had face sexual harassment, feel that their reputation has been damaged severely, because of cyber bullying or harassment. It has upset them, and they have felt the whole thing to be very depressing for them (Clarke, 2012).

The most important path that one should choose to avoid this kind of privacy and surveillance issue is to go for the “unfriend” option. In every Facebook page there is this “unfriend” option, which allow you to “unfriend” those people whom one does not like much. It is possible to prevent this kind of incident by blocking the users, if possible. Both the “unfriend” and the “block” options are available on Facebook, therefore, in this way, one could prevent the entrance of the user to his/her page. It is possible to report the incident to Facebook authority. There are certain common standards that the organization follows, if any person reports anything that goes against these standards then the Facebook authority would take step against it (Boyd & Hargittai, 2010).