



《中国男人》一书中有大量的自传体材料。这些材料中穿插着书中提供的生物信息。这本书的文本与一些传统上被认为是传记情节的基本要素有额外的复杂性。除此之外,这本书还加入了一些传统的元素,这些元素被认为是写小说时最合适的(Sledge & Linda,1980)。文本中给出的日期碰巧是基本的,书中发生的事件大致分为几个时期,并在一系列可能性中进行了介绍。在最重要的历史事件的限制下,文本的时间顺序是无法探测到的。家庭关系并没有被清楚地提及,无论在哪里,只要发现与哲学相矛盾的地方。

在这本书的第82至162页的部分,提到了檀香木山脉的曾祖父或阿拉斯加的中国男人。作者马克西姆·金斯顿讲述了她的曾祖父Bak Goong的故事,Bak Goong被引诱到夏威夷,因为他做出了承诺。书中提到的承诺包括他在甘蔗和菠萝地里迅速致富的事实(Kingston & Maxine,2011)。Bak Goong乐观的态度,伴随着花香和丰富的水果,恰好被鲁莽和苛刻的种植园劳动破坏了。

金士顿的中国背景是在对其神话的一些不完整的回忆和想象的帝国中产生的。她所属于的家庭和这个来自中国南方广东地区的普通家庭一样多。时间流逝的质量,事件发生的真实性以及这本书语言的力量,都是这本书所承载的主题。这本书(Sledge & Linda,1980)碰巧记录了中国人民的回忆录和他们的传奇时代,他们支撑着许多移民和难民。在金斯顿的曾祖父时期,大量的人口被檀香木山的故事吸引到美国帝国。旅居的人常常谈论那些发生在不到一百年前的貌似有理的事情。他们明白,一旦到了那个地方,他们就要为生存而斗争。此外,人们被迫了解,时间不能匆忙,他们永远不能得到他们的需要和要求得到满足。


Part 2: P.82-162 Great Grandfather of the Sandalwood Mountains – Alaska China Men

The text in the book “China Men” has a good amount of autobiographical material. This material is interspersed with the biological information that is provided in the book. The text in the book has additional complications with a number of elements that were traditionally regarded as the primary necessities to the biographical plots. In addition to this the book has the involvement of traditional elements that are considered to be the most appropriate when it comes to writing fictions (Sledge & Linda,1980). The dates given in the text happen to be rudimentary and the events that happen in the book are broadly divided to periods and are presented in the suite of possibilities. The chronological order in the texts is not detectable over the limits of the most important historic events. The family relations are not mentioned with clarity and wherever found happen to contradict to the philosophies.

In the section of the book starting from the page number 82 to 162, it is mentioned about the Great grandfather of the Sandalwood Mountains or the Alaska China men. The author Maxime Kingston talks about the stories of her Great grandfather Bak Goong who was subjected to lure to the Hawaii with the commitments that he had done. The promises mentioned in the book involve the fact of him getting rich quickly in the sugarcane and pineapple fields (Kingston & Maxine,2011). The optimistic attitude of Bak Goong along with the aroma of the flowers and the plenty of fruits happens to be ruined by the reckless and harsh plantation labour.

The Chinese background of Kingston has been found to have been emerging from the empire of some incomplete recollection and imagination of her myths. The family that she belonged to was as many of the normal families of the place that originated from the canton region of South China. The quality of time lapse, reality of the events happening and the power that the language of the book had, are the themes that the book carries. The memoirs and the legendary time of the Chinese people who sustained a number of emigrants and refugees happen to have been penned down in the book (Sledge & Linda,1980). During the period of Kingston’s great grandfather, it was seen that a huge number of the population were enticed to be coming in to the American empires by the tales of Sandalwood Mountains. The sojourners used to talk about the plausible events that happened to be less than a hundred years old. They understood that once they had reached in the place, they were to be strugglers for survival. Additionally the people were forced to comprehend that the time could not hurry and they could never get their needs and demands fulfilled.