


尽管一些人认为敬业的员工是对自己的工作岗位有积极信念的人,但也有一些人在其他方面有过争论,比如Purcell等人(2003)。他们认为,只有当员工之间有高度的真正的责任分担,以及对物质问题的管理(Macey et al., 2008)时,员工的参与才是有意义的。通过Truss等人(2010)对CIPD的调查显示,员工的声音强化也会导致员工敬业度的差异,从而导致员工和公司绩效的提高。

Truss et al.(2006)还认为,一个关键的员工参与的原因在于员工应该有机会以向上的方式喂养他们的感知(Jenkins et al., 2013)。他们的调查得出结论,目前不同的公司都没有成功做到这一点,因此,不同的员工认为他们没有机会表达自己的想法,也没有参与决策的过程。相反,Towers et al.(2012)发现,雇主们正确地提出了努力,让员工能够自由地做出关于工作的决定。在他们的研究中,65%的参与者赞成这样的事实,即他们有适当的权力来正确地执行他们的工作。


Even though some argue that engaged employees are the ones with positive belief for their job roles, there are others who have argued otherwise such as Purcell et al. (2003). They have suggested that engagement of employee is meaningful only when there is a highly genuine responsibility sharing between employees as well as management over substance issues (Macey et al., 2008). The survey of CIPD prepared through Truss et al. (2010), suggested that employee voice strengthening can also result in making a difference for employee engagement as it leads towards higher performance of an employee and company.

Truss et al. (2006) have also argued that one of the key employee engagements causes lies in the fact that employees should have the chance of feeding their perceptions in upward manner (Jenkins et al., 2013). It was concluded by their survey that presently various companies haven’t been successful to do this and as a consequence, various employees are of the feeling that they do not have opportunities for expressing their notions and they aren’t involved within the process of decision making. On the contrary, Towers et al. (2012) found that efforts are properly put forward by employers to do well in allowing employees with the free will of making decisions with regard to the jobs. In their study, 65 per cent participants were in favour of the fact that they had an appropriate authority for decision making for doing their job in a proper manner.