




Steve may not be convinced by the comments and the justifications given by Jenna as they are simply based on her emotional and physical bonds and ties with the society. She is basically been entangled in the personal and physical affairs and not breaking the bonds to come out of the vicious circle of the personal and professional life and help an individual who has been known by her to be innocent. He may say that she in spite of knowing that Steve is innocent is not taking any action so he has to kill her. He could easily avoid her request and say that there are certain ties or the bonds that are guiding him to follow the duty of differentiate between the rights and wrong along with taking decision based on the emotions and consequences that may be resulted out of it. Everything should not be decided on one’s ease and comfort. It is always advisable that the benefit of the society and humans is also looked for. It is also important that in case he directly cannot participate in this then Jenna could easily find or figure out some other way in which the things could be resolved and even the person is justified as Steve for not killing Jenna. Steve can simply take up the principles of moral philosophy and the ethical features as given by Aristotle and even the Plato with the Kant principles and getting Jenna realize the humanistic and moral duty in helping the person in need.