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While there are growing environmental consciousness in the hospitality industry and hotels are indeed doing their best to stop major use of non-renewable energy, there are still some reasons to believe that the hospitality and lodging industry might have to improve their efforts. This is more the case with smaller hotels than larger ones. It has been observed that smaller hotels do note the need for improving on their energy use trends. They do understand that they have to take action, but they hesitate because of the investments. The lack of a capital plan stops them from implementing sustainability improvements. In countries like the United States there is more of individual ownership. Individual ownership of some hotels puts investment constraint on the hotel to improve on their sustainability actions.


However, this alone is not the case. Over the last two decades, the hospitality company structures have changed a lot and there is a significant movement from sole ownership, family ownership to corporate ownership. Even in such situations, it is identified that hotels are waiting to see how the government ruling on renewable energy use would be and then want to take steps. It is as if they want more consumer demand and more costs that are competitive and profits before they are willing to invest. However, this delay in making the switch to renewable energy sourcing for the future could put them in a dire state as big corporate owner such as that of the Hilton Hotels have already become pioneers in embracing renewable energy sourcing. The case study presented above shows why all hotels have to take up initiatives.

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