


另一个例子是微软使用的热门标签获得了大量的浏览量。这样做的目的是为了发布一条与当前热门话题相关的消息,以加强内容和组织的公开(Bloom and Johnston, 2013)。一些大型组织甚至为创建人工趋势标签付费给Twitter,因为这些标签出现在每个用户的主页和屏幕上(Lessig, 2007)。


这种商业策略和模式使社交媒体平台成为被动的消费主义形式,因为组织的知名度和庞大的营销预算为他们提供了主导社交对话的选择,并向被动的消费者突出他们的观点(Schulz, 2014)。因此,可以认为,客户的参与是通过社交媒体进行的,但它是以机器和软件允许的条款和功能进行的(Sloam, 2014)。这就解释了积极参与是一种特权消费模式,即组织通过被动消费者的积极参与来促进消费。


Another example can be viewed as Microsoft used the trending hashtags that get high amount of views. This is performed in order to post a message that is relevant to the presently trending topic for enhancing the exposure of the content and the organization (Bloom and Johnston, 2013). There have been instances where large organizations even paid Twitter for creating artificial trending hashtags since they are displayed on homepage and on screen of every user (Lessig, 2007).


Such business strategies and models enable the social media platforms to function as the passive consumerism form as the popularity and large marketing budgets of the organizations provide them with the option to dominate the social conversations and highlight their viewpoint to the passive consumers (Schulz, 2014). Therefore, it can be regarded that the engagement of the customers is taking place across the social media, but it is occurring on the terms and functionality allowed by the machines and software (Sloam, 2014). This explains the assertion that active participation is now a privileged consumerism mode which is the manner, in which the organizations facilitate consumerism by active participation of the passive consumers.