





From this research it was found that ecofeminism has an impact on women in the developed nations and third world nations in different ways. It was found that the women in the third world countries are influenced adversely by the economic factors. The women in the emerging nations face more issues than the women in the developed nation. The case study analysis of Nicaraguan movement has been analysed in this report. The report identifies the positive developments this movement had caused in the society. Nevertheless, this momentum has been scattered. Research indicated that there are strong paternalistic oppressive intentions that are pervading the society along with corporate greed. There is large marginalization’s of women that is still observed in these societies. There is a need to change some of the fundamental tenets of the movement.

This research work attempts to understand why ecofeminist movements in the context of environmental security are still lagging behind the other development. It was identified in this research that women cooperative movements are still scattered in their efforts. They are more urbane in approach and very little importance is given to the rural communities. Apprehensions of the progressive liberal ideologies in the rural communities have resulted in continued submissive attitude of women towards the men in the households. In the rural communities, the women cooperative movement focused almost exclusively on the economics and there is very little importance given to the pollution, sexual education of the women.