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Consumption of too much sweet or too many calories will result in weight gain and thus obesity. It is for this reason that Coca Cola introduced the no sugar and no calorie versions of Diet Coke and Coke Zero. However, the contents of Coke Zero and Diet Coke are diverse and have mixed effects. While aspartame is said to have carcinoma connections, caffeine intake needs to be limited for an individual or the person will suffer from restlessness, lack of sleep and other symptoms. Also the nutrition content in the variants of Coca Cola is absent as a result of which it does not contribute in terms of food value to the individual who is consuming it. On the contrary, if the individual consumes fresh juice or milk, he will benefit in the aspect of his health. In order to address the growing concern of obesity, Coca Cola introduced Coke Zero and Diet Coke with no sugar and no calorie; however, the other drawbacks of the products are yet to be rectified, like the effects of aspartame and caffeine.

Also the health issues that may arise due to the consumption of aerated drinks irrespective of their sugar content and both the no calorie versions being off limits for PKU affected individuals or women who are pregnant limit their market further. It is required that a comprehensive product is launched that has nutritional value that would be beneficial in health terms like a 100% fruit beverage that can be consumed across age groups, by pregnant women and by people who have specific health issues, too. Just like the no sugar no calorie versions have been launched, it would be a strategic advantage for Coca Cola to bring to the consumers such a drink that would be tasty, natural, with no added sugar and which would not add to the obesity issue that is plaguing the world in current times. Children who earlier were substituting their milk with an unhealthy aerated soda would benefit by having the new and improved fruit version. This would also help Coca Cola in reaching new and maintaining existing market.


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