

本篇文章講的是什麼影響消費者決策,消費者必須通過廣告接觸到新的信息,它會自動改變消費者的態度,通過這種態度,消費者可以對創新產品表現出偏好。有幾項研究報告指出,消費者在做決策時如何使用他們的思維過程來執行多項選擇任務。然而,在另一項研究中,受試者被給予不同品牌的選擇,這些品牌包括照片、貼有標籤的包裝和包含不同品牌信息的展示板,這些選擇是從這些展示的物品中做出的(Bettman & Kakkar, 1977)。本篇論文代筆文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The consumer must be exposed to new information through advertisement and it will automatically change the attitude of the customer through which they can show preferences in the innovative items. Several studies have reported that how the consumers used their thought processes while performing multi-choice tasks in decision making. Whereas, in other study, subjects are given choices of different brands shown in photographs, labelled packages and display boards which hold information about different brands, and the choice have been made from those displayed items (Bettman & Kakkar, 1977).
Other researchers used information integration technique and correlation methods to study the consumer’s decision making process (Scott & Wright, 1976). In the cognitive perspective of decision making, consumer passes through cognition, conation and affection while acting for marketing messages. Cognition or thought is more important than feeling and behaviour because behaviour is guided by thought. The cognitive theory has been criticized because the theory believes that buyers are of more complex information processing entities.
According to Kassarjian, consumer’s decision making is a habitual process. Pre-purchase thought is not an essential factor. Though there are no supporting evidences present, its validity can be reviewed with selective retention and learning. Consumers memorize the information which will be consistent with their perceptions and beliefs. They will remember the product which they are fond of or they have special preferences for that particular brand or item which has a lasting memory. In most of the situation, two individuals have different viewpoints in selecting the items which are based on one’s beliefs, immediate state of mind, and attitudes.
Each individual will interpret the situation in their own way and the messages for the brands will be perceived by their own belief system. Consumers will be more attentive to those brands which are related to their needs. The consumer behaviour changes with new learning through which they gather information and that inspire their response to that particular brand. Brand awareness comes first when buying than any other steps.