


My parents had indulged in convincing me of the existence of Santa Claus. However, the incident inflicted profound grief and sadness which undermined my belief. I wondered over the years, such effort by parents to make me believe that Santa Claus existed is to pacify the excitement and anticipation of getting gifts. This is evident from my memoir where I stated that “I was jumping like a toast jumping out of a toaster” for which my parents did not want me to face the reality. The mere competency of logic, evidence and comparative reasoning did not quite develop in my early years of childhood and so my belief of Santa Claus was affirmed by books, movies, friends and TV shows.
I have realized that adults like my parents do a great job in duping us and concealing the truth. The truth is that Christmas is about parents imparting happiness rather than Santa Claus. More often I believe that it would have given me much pleasure to know that it is my parents who are fulfilling my wish list of gifts and not any imaginary or supernatural stranger. When I found out the truth in a disheartening way, I felt my world was falling apart and that I have been deceived by my parents. The world, as metamorphosed “I felt as if the world is my oyster” had been narrowing down on betrayal from my parents. Santa Claus is considered to be a supernatural stranger and so stories and tales associated with him seemed to be a hoax.
The concept of Santa Claus has underpinned the controversy of deceiving children and has been proved to be a hoax in many empirical ways. Parents not only indulge in narrating stories and tales but also validate the existence of Santa Claus with hard evidence such as empty milk glasses, half-eaten cookies and even gifts. The issue that I believe was the skepticism of children and the parental trust regarding the entire period of Christmas and approaching of Santa Claus. However, research revealed that children do not get angry at their parents for comprehending the truth and accepting the hoax nature of the story rather they tend to develop a sense of maturity.