


质量和操作能力是密切相关的。对于塔可钟等餐厅运营商来说,确保他们能够满足他们的操作能力,同时保证质量和能力是很有必要的。正如研究人员所指出的那样,这些组织必须对精度、误差容忍程度有很高的理解,对其产品质量的变化可能意味着什么(Corsten & Stuhlmann;1998;琼斯,1999;铂尔曼,罗杰斯,2010)。像Taco Bell这样的餐馆注重确保顾客得到一致的服务,价格也很好。然而,从长远来看,餐饮业必须正确认识到质量中可能出现的错误。他们应该有一个系统来根据原因和反馈来调查这些问题。目前,虽然个案研究没有更多的细节,但仍有可能存在需要精心记录的塔可钟的问题。缺乏能力战略可以暂时集中于充分利用基于需求波动的资源,“能力战略也需要在稳定但不断增加的需求的情况下”。领先战略对应的是产能足够大,足以覆盖给定时期的最高需求水平的情况。滞后策略对应于将自己的能力水平设置为随时间的最低水平,这样我们就能始终保持对自己资源的充分利用。但是,必须用临时的能力来满足所有的要求。(Olhager & Johanssen, 2012, p.24)。


Quality and operational capacity goes hand in hand. It is necessary for restaurant operators such as Taco Bell to ensure they are able to meet their operative capability and also ensure quality and capacity. As researchers indicate such organizations must have a high level of understanding on what precision, error tolerance, variations could mean for their product quality (Corsten & Stuhlmann; 1998; Jones, 1999; Pullman, and Rodgers, 2010). Restaurants such as Taco Bell focus on ensuring their customers receive consistent service with good pricing. However, in the long run the restaurant business must have proper awareness of the form of errors that could occur in quality. They should have a system to investigate these issues based on cause and feedback. At present, although the case study does not carry much more details, there could still be issues with taco bell that needs to be recorded meticulously. There is a lack of capacity strategies that could temporarily focus on full utilization of resources which is based on demand fluctuations, “Capacity strategies are also needed in situations with stationary but punctuating demand. A lead strategy corresponds to the situation where the capacity is large enough to cover even the highest level of demand in a given period. A lag strategy corresponds to setting the level of own capacity to the lowest level of demand over time, so that we can always maintain full utilization of our own resources. However, temporary capacity must be used to satisfy all demands. (Olhager & Johanssen, 2012, p.24).