




In the movie plagiarism is represented in a similar exaggerated way. Where the text supports plagiarism in its entirety, the movie presents the argument on plagiarism from either ends. The provocative nature is most viewed in the movie where artists talk about how culture would decline because of the democratization of music, videos and art in general. This over democratization or plagiarism introduced by the technological revolution would lead to nothing more than a cacophony of sounds according to some of the artists. Some artists in fact critique that not all are born to be artists and some simply don’t have it, so to pretend otherwise by mixing music and pictures and more would actually lead to a general decline on culture, one which people would be ashamed of when they think of it later (“PressPausePlay”). This form of exaggerated reasoning’s mars the presence of the logos in the movie and makes it more pathos, which only adds strength to the argument for plagiarism in the context of recombinants as presented in the article, for all though the article exaggerates in its wordings, it still delivers its case point more rationally.