

本文主要講文化和領導力,羅伯特·豪斯於1993年發起了全球項目,研究60多個國家的不同領導風格。 GLOBE代表全球領導力和組織行為有效性。全球項目的目的是研究世界各地的不同文化如何定義領導力。該研究調查了來自62個國家825個組織的18000名領導人。這些國家被稱為社會文化,並被劃分為10個社會集群:盎格魯、拉丁歐洲、日耳曼歐洲、北歐、東歐、拉丁美洲、撒哈拉以南非洲、中東、南亞和儒家亞洲。本篇論文代寫行情文章由英國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Robert House in 1993 launched the GLOBE project which studied different leadership styles in over 60 countries. GLOBE stands for Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness. The aim of the GLOBE project is to study how different cultures across the world define leadership.It studied 18000 leaders from 825 organizations in 62 countries. The countries were referred to as societal cultures and were clubbed into 10 societal clusters: Anglo, Latin Europe, Germanic Europe, Nordic Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle-East, Southern Asia and Confucian Asia.
Country’s cultures are studied on nine dimensions: future orientation, performance orientation, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, humane orientation, assertiveness, institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, and gender egalitarianism. It revealed some universal characteristics of leaders as well as culture specific attributes. The major question answered by GLOBE researchers was to what extent the practices and values associated with leadership are universal. They identified 21 primary leadership dimensions or “first-order practices” (House, Javidan, Hanges, and Dorfman, 2002). GLOBE identified the following leadership attributes: Charismatic/value-based, participative, team-oriented, autonomous, humane-oriented and self-protective.
Charismatic leadership was found to be the most effective form of leadership. Participative leadership positively influenced employee performance only in the United States. Team oriented leadership style considered moderately desirable across cultures. Concern for gender egalitarianism was positively linked with good leadership in majority of the cultures. Vision, providing encouragement, foresight, trustworthiness, positiveness, dynamism and proactiveness were elements of transformational leadership that appeared universally. Charismatic and transformational leadership styles are the most preferred styles across cultures (Javidan, Dorfman, De Luque, and House, 2006).